Senate Democrats

March 2013
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Day March 14, 2013

Senate Floor Wrap Up for Thursday, March 14, 2013

ROLL CALL VOTES 1)      Harkin amendment #53 (Labor-HHS) to H.R.933, the continuing appropriations bill; Not Agreed to: 54-45 (60 affirmative-vote threshold) 2)      Coburn amendment #66 (hiring freeze for federal employees) to H.R.933; Not Agreed to: 45-54 (60 affirmative-vote threshold)   LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Began the Rule 14 process of S.582, the Keystone Pipeline Act. (Hoeven) Began…


No more votes this week

Well, folks, we were unable to reach an agreement to vote in relation to the Coburn or Toomey amendments tonight. Senator Coburn wouldn’t agree to vote in relation to his amendment, as modified.   Senator Reid has asked the managers of the bill to work over the weekend on a small, finite list of amendments…


Vote possible tonight

There is a good chance that we vote tonight (sooner rather than later) in relation to the Coburn amendment #65, as modified (political science funding at NSF). Another message will be sent once an agreement is reached.


Inhofe amendment #29, as modified; agreed to; Toomey amendment pending

The Inhofe amendment #29 (Farms/EPA) was modified and agreed to.   Senator Toomey then called up amendment #115 (cuts $60 million in funding for DoD biofuels).   Senator Brown asked unanimous consent to set aside the Toomey amendment in order to call up amendment #83 (Customs Services). Senator Mikulski objected on behalf of Senator Landrieu.…


First degree filing deadline extension–3pm

The filing deadline for first degree amendments is now 3pm today. Following the remarks of Senator Whitehouse, the Senate will recess until 2:15pm.


Roll Call Vote on the Coburn amendment

12:01pm The Senate began a roll call vote on the Coburn amendment #66 (temporary pay freeze for federal employees) (60 affirmative-vote threshold) Not Agreed to: 45-54


Roll Call Vote on Harkin amendment #53 (Labor-HHS)

11:30am The Senate began a roll call vote on Harkin amendment #53 (Add Labor-HHS Appropriations) (60 affirmative-vote threshold) Not Agreed to: 54-45


2 votes @ 11:25am–Harkin and Coburn amendments

The Senate has resumed consideration of H.R.933, the Continuing Resolution. There will be 1 hour to debate concurrently the Harkin amendment #53 (Labor-HHS) and Coburn amendment #66 (temporary hiring freeze on Non Essential Federal Employees), prior to votes in relation to the amendments. The debate time will be equally divided in the usual form. Each…


Senate Floor Schedule for Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Senate stands in adjournment until 10:00am on Thursday, March 14, 2013. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of H.R.933, the continuing appropriations bill. There will be up to one hour of debate equally divided between Senators Mikulski and Shelby or their designees for debate on the Harkin amendment #53 (Labor-HHS). Upon…
