Thank you to America's veterans for your service to our nation and its people. We honor you today on #VeteransDay and everyday. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

On this day in 1775, the United States Marine Corps was formed. Happy 241st Birthday, USMC! #USMC #SemperFidelis

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

Today is the 78th anniversary of the launch of Kristallnacht, The Night of Broken Glass, in Nazi Germany. Over two days, violence against Jews broke out across the country with organized destruction of Jewish synagogues, businesses and homes along with the murder of Jews, while others were rounded up and sent to concentration camps. We can never forget what happened on November 9 and 10, 1938, and we must stand together to say never again. #WeRemember

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

Today is World Freedom Day. Did you know that the day is about observing the 27th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989? Read more below. #WorldFreedomDay

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards megváltoztatta a profilképét.
Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

6pm: Polls in Virginia are open until 7 pm and in Maryland & Washington, DC until 8 pm. Once in line, you can't lawfully be denied casting your vote. So stay there and be patient. #Election2016 #StayInLine

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

Voting is a right. Voter intimidation is illegal. Keep calm and vote. To report issues or problems you might have while voting, call one of the numbers below. In America, it must be #SafeToVote.

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

On Election Eve, remember this part of our history: Not until 1964 with the passage of the 24th amendment to the Constitution were poll taxes banned. You can't let that work go to waste—get out and vote! #OurStory

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.
Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards megváltoztatta a profilképét.
Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

100 years ago today, Jeannette Rankin becomes the first woman to hold federal office as she was elected to serve Montana in the House of Representatives. She voted against US entry into World War I and lost her next election in 1918 as she ran for the Senate due to unfavorable redistricting. She won election to the House in 1940, serving two non-consecutive terms. On December 8,1941, she was the only member of either chamber of Congress to vote against the declaration of war on Japan. #SHEstory

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

On November 6, 1928, Octaviano Larrazolo of New Mexico becomes the first Latino elected to the United States Senate. #USSenate #TodayinHistory

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

REMINDER: Tune in to PBS' To the Contrary THIS morning at 9:30am on WETA in DC area to hear from Ann Stone, Jennifer Higgins, Lara Brown, Bonnie Erbe, and I about Presidential politics, “going flat," and women in the priesthood. Or check your local listings, and you can watch any time online at: #TTC

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

92 years ago yesterday, on November 4, 1924, Nellie T. Ross of Wyoming was elected the nation's first woman governor.

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

Yesterday was a historic day for our planet as the Paris Agreement on fighting climate change entered into force much earlier than was predicted. Though works remains, its a big step forward to acting on climate. #ParisAgreement #ActonClimate

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

Tune in To The Contrary this week as Ann Stone, Jennifer Higgins, Lara Brown, Bonnie Erbe, and I discuss a few issues, including presidential politics and breast cancer. You can catch us on WETA TODAY at 5:30 pm and Sunday at 9:30 am to watch on TV. Or go online to watch at:

Colcom Foundation, Wallace Genetic Foundation, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation Charles A. Frueauff Foundation

Elections have consequences. On November 4, 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected president of the United States, defeating Adlai Stevenson. On this day in 1980, Ronald Reagan won the White House, defeating President Jimmy Carter. And 8 years ago today, Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States as he defeated John McCain. Get out and express your voice by voting. @POTUS #WhiteHouse

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

24 years ago yesterday, Carol Moseley-Braun becomes first African American woman elected to United States Senate. As of today, she remains the only Black female Senator. That could change next Tuesday, November 8, 2016. #USSenate

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.

TODAY: Last day of early voting in Maryland runs through 8 pm TONIGHT. Don’t put off until Election Day what you can do and accomplish NOW. To find Early Voting Centers in your County, please follow this link: #YourVoteYourVoice #ItMatters

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.
Representing the 4th Congressional District of Maryland
„Thank you to America's veterans for your service to our nation and its people. We honor you today on #VeteransDay and everyday. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸”
„On this day in 1775, the United States Marine Corps was formed. Happy 241st Birthday, USMC! #USMC #SemperFidelis”
„Today is the 78th anniversary of the launch of Kristallnacht, The Night of Broken Glass, in Nazi Germany. Over two days, violence against Jews broke out across the country with organized destruction of Jewish synagogues, businesses and homes along with the murder of Jews, while others were rounded up and sent to concentration camps. We can never forget what happened on November 9 and 10, 1938, and we must stand together to say never again. #WeRemember”
„6pm: Polls in Virginia are open until 7 pm and in Maryland & Washington, DC until 8 pm. Once in line, you can't lawfully be denied casting your vote. So stay there and be patient. #Election2016 #StayInLine”
„Voting is a right. Voter intimidation is illegal. Keep calm and vote. To report issues or problems you might have while voting, call one of the numbers below. In America, it must be #SafeToVote.”
„#ElectionDay: The big day is here so #DontForgetToVote. With Maryland polls open until 8pm tonight #GoVote. #TuesdayMotivation #Vote2016”
„On Election Eve, remember this part of our history: Not until 1964 with the passage of the 24th amendment to the Constitution were poll taxes banned. You can't let that work go to waste—get out and vote! #OurStory”
Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards fényképe.
„100 years ago today, Jeannette Rankin becomes the first woman to hold federal office as she was elected to serve Montana in the House of Representatives. She voted against US entry into World War I and lost her next election in 1918 as she ran for the Senate due to unfavorable redistricting. She won election to the House in 1940, serving two non-consecutive terms. On December 8,1941, she was the only member of either chamber of Congress to vote against the declaration of war on Japan. #SHEstory”
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