Senate Democrats

May 2012
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Day May 23, 2012

Senate Floor Wrap Up for Wednesday, May 23, 2012

No ROLL CALL VOTES   LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Discharged the Banking committee and passed S.2367, a bill to strike the word “lunatic” from Federal law, and for other purposes. Passed H.R.4097, the John F. Kennedy Center Reauthorization Act of 2012. Completed the Rule 14 process of S.3220, the Paycheck Fairness Act. (Mikulski and others) Completed the…


Agreement on S.3187, FDA

The Senate has reached an agreement to limit amendments to S.3187, the FDA bill, to those amendments listed below. No other amendments are in order. There will be 30 minutes for debate on each amendment, except for the McCain amendment, and 60 minutes on the bill, both equally divided in the usual form. There will…


Adoption of motion to proceed delayed until 2:15pm

By consent, the previous order to adopt them motion to proceed to S.3187, the FDA bill, has been delayed until 2:15pm today. The Majority Leader will be recognized prior to adoption of the motion to proceed. As a reminder, the previous order is to adopt the motion to proceed and agree to the Harkin-Enzi substitute…


Adoption of the motion to proceed to S.3187 delayed until 12:30pm

By consent, the previous order to adopt them motion to proceed to S.3187, the FDA bill, has been delayed until 12:30pm today. The Majority Leader will be recognized prior to adoption of the motion to proceed.


Reid: FDA Bill Will Help Prevent Drug Shortages, Save Lives

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid spoke on the Senate floor today regarding legislation to help the FDA prevent shortages of life-saving medicines. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: When 67-year-old Pamela Gunter began treatment for breast cancer, her doctor knew it would be a grueling fight. He also knew it was…


Senate Schedule for Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Convenes: 9:30am Following the prayer and pledge, the Majority Leader will be recognized. It is his intention to resume consideration of the motion to proceed to S.3187, the FDA user fees legislation. Following the remarks of the Majority Leader and the Republican Leader, the first hour will be equally divided and controlled between the two…
