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Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs

(Subordinate of the Committee on Natural Resources)

The chairman and ranking minority member are non-voting ex officio members of all subcommittees on which they do not hold a regular assignment.

Mailing Address:4450 OFOB
Washington, DC 20515Telephone: (202) 226-9725


  1. Don Young, AK, Chairman
  2. Dan Benishek, MI
  3. Paul A. Gosar, AZ
  4. Doug LaMalfa, CA
  5. Jeff Denham, CA
  6. Paul Cook, CA
  7. Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen, AS
  8. Rob Bishop, UT, Ex Officio

Office of the Clerk - U.S. Capitol, Room H154, Washington, DC 20515-6601 | (202) 225-7000

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