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Subcommittee Information

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Financial Services and General Government

(Subordinate of the Committee on Appropriations)

The chairman and ranking minority member are authorized to sit as members of all subcommittees.

Mailing Address:B300 RHOB
Washington, DC 20515Telephone: (202) 225-7245


  1. Ander Crenshaw, FL, Chairman
  2. Tom Graves, GA
  3. Kevin Yoder, KS
  4. Steve Womack, AR
  5. Jaime Herrera Beutler, WA, Vice Chairman
  6. Mark E. Amodei, NV
  7. E. Scott Rigell, VA

Office of the Clerk - U.S. Capitol, Room H154, Washington, DC 20515-6601 | (202) 225-7000

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