Senate Democrats

February 2007
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Day February 16, 2007

Senate Floor Schedule For Friday, February 16, 2007

Morning Business


Reid: The Senate Must Join The House And Vote On The Escalation

Washington, DC—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada released the following statement on today’s vote in the House of Representatives to express the opposition of Congress to the President’s plan to escalate the war in Iraq. "The House of Representatives has taken an important step forward by passing a bipartisan resolution in support of America’s…


Bush Budget Inadequately Addresses Issues Important to the African American Community

President Bush’s budget for Fiscal Year 2008 would once again severely cut programs that directly affect the quality of life for many African Americans.  The following report assesses the President’s spending plan compared to the levels provided in H.J.Res.20, the Funding Resolution for Fiscal Year 2007, recently passed in the House of Representatives and the…
