Senate Democrats

February 2007
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Day February 8, 2007

Senate Roll Call Vote #00045

On the Nomination: Confirmation Gen. George W. Casey to be Chief of Staff, U.S. ArmyResult: Confirmed (83-14, 3 members not voting, 1/2 threshold)Details: [click here]


Senate Roll Call Vote #00045

On the Nomination: Confirmation Gen. George W. Casey to be Chief of Staff, U.S. ArmyResult: Confirmed (83-14, 3 members not voting, 1/2 threshold)Details: [click here]


Bush Budget Proposal Fails to Fund Education Priorities

The Bush Administration’s budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2008, released this week, demonstrates the President’s misplaced priorities.  Parents want their children to enter school ready to learn and to excel in the classroom and are worried about the rising cost of a college education.  But the President’s budget proposal fails to adequately fund essential education…


Senadores Se Reúnen Con Secretaria Rice, Discuten Hallazgos De Visita A Sudamérica Del Sur

Washington, DC – El Líder de la Mayoría del Senado Harry Reid hoy se reunió con la Secretaria Condoleezza Rice, junto a los Senadores Richard Durbin (D-IL), Robert Bennett (R-UT) y Ken Salazar (D-CO), para discutir los hallazgos de su reciente visita congresional bipartidista a Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú. Los Senadores expresaron sus preocupaciones con…


H.J. Res. 20, the Fiscal Year 2007 Continuing Appropriations Resolution

Summary and Background The third Continuing Resolution, a very restrictive resolution that funds thirteen of the fifteen departments of the government, will expire on February 15.   The resolution left serious gaps in funding for health care for our veterans and military personnel, schools, law enforcement, and agencies that provide key services to the elderly, such…


The President’s Budget Would Cut Funding for Important State and Local Homeland Security and Law Enforcement Programs . . . Again

President Bush has once again proposed deep cuts for critical homeland security and law enforcement programs.  While the President often speaks of his commitment to help state and local first responder and law enforcement agencies, his budget proposals for the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security always tell a different story.  Despite the overwhelming need…


Senate Democrats Passed the Toughest, Most Sweeping Ethics Reform in a Generation

Last November, Americans sent a clear message that unethical and illegal behavior would no longer be tolerated in the halls of Congress.  Democrats answered the charge to clean-up Washington by making ethics reform their first priority in the 110th Congress.  In January, Senate Democrats honored that commitment by passing S.1, the Legislative Transparency and Accountability…


Bush Budget Proposal Shortchanges Health Programs

The Bush Administration’s budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2008, released this week, demonstrates the President’s misplaced priorities.  Health care costs are rising and health coverage is increasingly difficult to obtain.  Yet the President has failed to invest enough in the successful State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to maintain current coverage, putting many children at…


Senate Democrats Voted to Move the Country in A New Direction, Towards Better Pay

 “Today’s vote was not a victory for a bill – it was a victory for the American people.” — Senator Edward M. Kennedy Last year, Americans voted to take the country in a much needed new direction by electing Democrats to lead Congress.  Democrats promised to seek better pay for working Americans, starting by raising…


Vital 9/11 Commission Recommendations Remain Incomplete, Unaddressed

(Revised) In the two and a half years since the 9/11 Commission completed its investigation and offered its recommendations for securing our homeland and leading an effective strategy against terrorist threats, much remains to be done.  Roughly half of the recommendations have gone unaddressed, while many of the recommendations that have been accepted and adopted…
