Senate Democrats

July 2008
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Day July 21, 2008

Senate Floor Wrap Up For Monday, July 21, 2008

S.901, Health Care Safety Net Act w/ Kennedy-Hatch substitute S.3294, United States Parole Commission Extension Act of 2008 Ratified the following treaties: Executive Calendar #10, Protocol of Amendments to Convention on International Hydrographic Organization Executive Calendar #11, International Convention Against Doping Sport


Senate Floor Schedule For Monday, July 21, 2008

Resume motion to proceed to S.3268, Energy Speculation. The Senate stands adjourned until 10am Tuesday, July 22nd.


Reid Statement On Attorney General Mukasey’s Remarks On 9/11 Detainees

Washington, DC—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today in response to Attorney General Michael Mukasey’s comments: “As a result of its repeated efforts to circumvent the requirements of the Geneva Conventions and the Constitution, the Bush administration has yet to bring to justice the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks of September 11.…


Reid: America, Iraq And The World Are Coalescing Around Democrats’ Plan To Responsibly End The War

Washington, DC—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today on the floor of the U.S. Senate.  Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: “As Senators Obama, Reed and Hagel travel through Iraq today, there is one conclusion that they will doubtlessly all reach: Our troops – still more than 140,000 strong –…


Reid: Democrats Prepared To Legislative On Energy And Other Bipartisan Priorities While Republicans Stand In the Way

Washington, DC—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today on the floor of the U.S. Senate.  Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery:   EXCESSIVE ENERGY SPECULATION “This weekend, Senator Murray delivered the weekly Democratic Radio address.  In her remarks, she said that her last gas fill-up in Washington State was $4.35…


Nine Times and Counting: Bush Republicans Turn Their Backs on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Senate Democrats have worked tirelessly throughout the 110th Congress to support renewable energy and energy efficiency.  We have succeeded in passing historic energy efficiency improvements for automobiles and light bulbs, significant increases in our nation’s use of biofuels, hundreds of millions of dollars of mandatory funding for advanced biofuel development, and the appropriation of $786…


Democratic Senators, Energy Experts Discuss Bill To End Excessive Oil Speculation And Lower Record-High Gas Prices

Washington, DC—Democratic Senators Byron Dorgan and Amy Klobuchar held a press conference today with energy experts to discuss the Stop Excessive Energy Speculation Act, which will stop greedy energy traders who artificially inflate oil prices and ensure Americans pay a fair price at the pump. “The price of gas and oil continues to shoot up…


Democratic Solutions for America’s Energy Crisis

Democrats understand that high energy prices are taking a toll on American businesses and families and are committed to reducing energy costs through both short- and long-term solutions. We must increase domestic energy production, ensure fairness in the marketplace and reduce our dependence on oil by shifting to a new green economy. While Democrats have…


The Advancing America’s Priorities Act | Summary and Reid Introductory Statement

Tomorrow Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will introduce The Advancing America’s Priorities Act. The following is Senator Reid’s statement on the bill as prepared for delivery: Mr. President, today I am joining with Senators Leahy, Lieberman, Feinstein, Inouye, Kennedy, Boxer, and Biden, to introduce an important bill, with provisions in a variety of areas –…
