Senate Democrats

June 2008
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Day June 13, 2008

Senate Democratic Leaders To McConnell: Stop Blocking Bill That Cuts Taxes, Invests In Renewable

Washington, DC—The Senate Democratic Leadership sent the following letter today to Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, urging him to abandon his delaying tactics on The Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act of 2008 and reconsider his opposition to the legislation, which would provide badly needed tax relief for families and businesses and increase investments in…


Declaraciones de Reid sobre muerte de Tim Russert

Washington, DC—El Líder de la Mayoría del Senado Harry Reid hizo las siguientes declaraciones hoy en respuesta a la noticia de la muerte de Tim Russert:   “Me dio una tristeza enorme cuando me enteré de la muerte inesperada de Tim Russert. Tim fue un hombre de familia muy cálido y elegante, y con una…


Reid Statement On Death Of Tim Russert

Washington, DC—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement in response to news of Tim Russert’s death:  “I was greatly saddened to learn of Tim Russert’s untimely death.  Tim was a warm and gracious family man with a great zest for life and an unsurpassed passion for his work.  His rise from working-class roots…


Democratic Senators Discuss Efforts To Make American Dream Affordable Again While Republicans Fight For Status Quo

Washington, DC—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senators Byron Dorgan and Amy Klobuchar, and a cross-section of American citizens held a press conference today to discuss what Democrats have done for Americans families struggling with the rising costs of living and a shrinking job market – and how Republicans have blocked us at every turn.  This…
