Senate Democrats

June 2010
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Month June 2010

Reid, Reed, Stabenow Join Solis To Call On Republicans To Stop Blocking Unemployment Benefits

Washington, DC—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senators Jack Reed and Debbie Stabenow joined Labor Secretary Hilda Solis at a press conference this morning to call on Republicans to stop blocking unemployment benefits for millions of Americans.  Democrats have tried to extend unemployment benefits several times over the last two months, but Republicans have blocked…


Democrats Are On Your Side: Promoting Small Business Job Creation

While the economy is recovering, small businesses across the country are still struggling to access the capital they need to expand their businesses.  To assist small business owners and their employees, Senate Democrats have brought forward legislation that will promote job creation through a combination of much-needed tax credits, enhancements to Small Business Administration (SBA)…


Senate Democrats Are On Your Side: Implementing Health Reform that Works for Middle-Class Americans

Earlier this year, Congress passed and the President signed landmark health insurance reform legislation, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (P.L. 111-152), and Americans are already experiencing the benefits.  These two laws put control over health care decisions in the hands of the American…


Menendez, Lautenberg, Shaheen Discuss Latest Efforts By Democrats To Hold BP Accountable Despite Republican Opposition

Washington, DC— Senators Bob Menendez, Frank Lautenberg and Jeanne Shaheen held a media availability this afternoon to discuss Democratic efforts to hold BP accountable for the Gulf Coast oil spill, and call on Republicans to stop protecting BP.  Today, the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee approved a bill to raise the liability cap on…


Senate Floor Schedule For Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Following any Leader remarks, there will be 2 hours of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each. Senators will be permitted to pay tribute to Senator Byrd during this period of morning business. Following morning business, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider the nomination of…


Senate Floor Wrap Up For Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Adopted H.Con.Res.285, Year of the Father. Adopted S.Res.554, National Day of the Cowboy. Adopted S.Res.564, Japan. Adopted S.Con.Res. a concurrent resolution providing for the use of the catafalque situated in the Exhibition Hall of the CVC in connection with memorial services to be conducted in the U.S. Senate Chamber for the Honorable Robert C. Byrd,…


Senate Roll Call Vote #00202

On the Motion: Motion to Invoke cloture on the Motion to Proceed to H.R.5297; An act to create the Small Business Lending Fund Program to direct the Secretary of the Treasury to make capital investments in eligible institutions in order to increase the availability of credit for small businesses, to amend the Internal Revenue Code…


Senate Roll Call Vote #00202

On the Motion: Motion to Invoke cloture on the Motion to Proceed to H.R.5297; An act to create the Small Business Lending Fund Program to direct the Secretary of the Treasury to make capital investments in eligible institutions in order to increase the availability of credit for small businesses, to amend the Internal Revenue Code…


The Health Care Republicans Don’t Want You to Have

Support for the new health reform law continues to grow and Americans trust Democrats to handle health care over Republicans by a 13-point margin, yet Republicans continue their campaign to repeal the law of the land. [AP-GfK, 6/10]  In an effort to advance what they perceive as their own political interests, Republicans are working to…


Day One of Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing

Yesterday was Solicitor General Elena Kagan’s first day before the full Senate Judiciary Committee. Each committee member delivered an opening statement commenting on the Supreme Court nominee’s background, as well as her potential impact on the Court should she be confirmed. “General Kagan is simply a terrific antidote to the lack of practical, real-world understanding…
