Senate Democrats

Reid: Republicans Continue Filibustering Assistance To Out-Of-Work Nevadans, Leaving Them Without Economic Certainty

Washington, DCNevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement this evening after Republicans again blocked Democratic efforts to extend unemployment benefits for millions of out-of-work Americans:
“These are difficult days for thousands of Nevadans and millions of Americans who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own, and there are few words that can comfort these workers who go to sleep every night worried about their economic uncertainty.  That’s why Democrats tried again tonight to extend unemployment benefits that workers and their families depend on as a lifeline while they continue to look for work.
“It is beyond disappointing that Republicans continue to stand almost lockstep against assistance for out-of-work Americans – especially since many of these same Republicans spent months protecting Wall Street and preserving tax cuts for CEOs who ship American jobs overseas.
“We will vote on this measure again once there is a replacement named for the late Senator Byrd.  In the meantime, I sincerely hope that Republicans will finally listen to the millions of unemployed Americans who need this assistance to support their families in these tough times.  These Americans and millions more demand that Republicans stop filibustering support for unemployed workers.”