Senate Democrats

June 2010
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Day June 10, 2010

Senate Floor Wrap Up For Thursday, June 10, 2010

Passed H.R.3360 the Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act (with a Rockefeller substitute amendment) Adopted S.Res.550, a resolution designating the week beginning on June 14, 2010 and ending on June 18, 2010, as “National Health Information Technology Week” The Senate confirmed the following nominations: Calendar #932–Coast Guard promotions to Rear Admiral: Rear Adm. (1h) Joseph…


Senate Roll Call Vote #00184

On the Motion to Proceed: Motion to Proceed to S.J.Res.26; A joint resolution disapproving a rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to the endangerment finding and the cause or contribute findings for greenhouse gases under section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act.Result: Rejected (47-53, 1/2 threshold)Details: [click here]


Senate Roll Call Vote #00184

On the Motion to Proceed: Motion to Proceed to S.J.Res.26; A joint resolution disapproving a rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to the endangerment finding and the cause or contribute findings for greenhouse gases under section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act.Result: Rejected (47-53, 1/2 threshold)Details: [click here]


Reid Statement On Meeting With Clean Energy Legislation Leaders

Washington, DC—Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement this afternoon following a meeting today with key Senate Democratic leaders on clean energy legislation:   “There is a clear need for the Senate to act on comprehensive clean energy legislation that addresses the recent disaster on the Gulf Coast, reduces our nation’s heavy reliance on…


Reid: Enmienda Extenderia Plazo para Obtener Creditos Tributarios por Compra de Vivienda

Washington, DC – El Senador por Nevada Harry Reid hoy se presentó con los Senadores Johnny Isakson de Georgia y Chris Dodd de Connecticut una enmienda al proyecto de ley de Empleos Estadounidenses y Cierre de Brechas en el Código Tributario del 2010, el cual extiende el plazo para aplicar a un crédito tributario para…


Reid Introduces Amendment To Extend Transaction Closing Date For First Time Homebuyers

Amendment would extend first time homebuyer tax credit transaction closing date from June 30th to September 30th Washington, DC – Nevada Senator Harry Reid today joined with Senators Johnny Isakson of Georgia and Chris Dodd of Connecticut to introduce an amendment to the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010 that would extend…


Senate Democrats Continue to Fight for the Extension of Unemployment Benefits for Out-of-Work Americans Against Republican Obstructionism

This year, Senate Democrats have had to stand up to repeated efforts by Senate Republicans to prevent the extension of critical unemployment benefits for jobless Americans.   In the past several months, Republican filibusters and obstruction have allowed unemployment benefits to expire on three separateoccasions, creating instability for American families struggling to find work. [NELP, 5/24/10]…


Baucus, Bingaman, Whitehouse Join Seniors Advocate To Highlight First Wave Of Rebate Checks And Other Benefits Of Health Reform For Seniors

Washington, DC— Senate Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus, Senator Jeff Bingaman of the Senate Finance Committee, and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse joined Barbara Easterling of the Alliance for Retired Americans and Stella Johnson, a retired Washington, D.C. school teacher at a press conference today to discuss how America’s seniors will benefit from health care reform.  As…


Democrats Are On Your Side: Creating Jobs, Protecting the Middle Class, and Closing Tax Loopholes

U.S.-based multinational companies should be subject to fair and balanced tax laws, just like hard-working American families.  These big corporations should not be rewarded for shipping millions of jobs overseas.  The American Jobs Act would close existing tax loopholes that allow big corporations to abuse the tax credit system and would put an end to…


Health Reform Delivers for Seniors

First Wave of Rebate Checks Sent to Seniors in the ‘Donut Hole’ Senate Democrats fought for health reform to provide greater savings and higher quality care for America’s seniors and their families and to put control over health care decisions in the hands of the American people, not insurance companies.  One of the most valuable…
