7th Annual Childhood Cancer Summit: You're Invited!

Sep 14, 2016

As Co-Chairs of the Childhood Cancer Caucus, we write to invite you to the 7th Annual Childhood Cancer Summit: "Kids Are Unique: How We Are Facing These Challenges on the Quest for Cures" that will be on Friday, September 23, 2015 at 9:00 am in the Capitol Visitor Center (CVC) North Orientation Theatre. This year we are pleased to welcome Greg Simon, the Executive Director of the Cancer Moonshot Taskforce, in the Office of the Vice President of the United States.  Other speakers are as follows:

Welcoming Remarks

Representative Michael McCaul
Texas 10th Congressional District

Representative Chris Van Hollen
Maryland 8th Congressional District

Keynote Speech

Greg Simon
Cancer Moonshot Task Force

Panel 1: National Cancer Insitute Research on Pediatric Cancer and Drug Innovation

Dr. Douglas Lowy
Acting Director, National Cancer Institute

Remarks on Survivorship

Representative Jackie Speier
California 14th Congressional District

Panel 2: The Children Speak: Unique needs of Children who have Survived Cancer

Luke Gidden

Sydni Jankowski

Dr. Gregory Aune
Childhood Cancer Survivor / University Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio

Panel 3: Policies Related to Childhood Cancer

Amy Jensen Cunniffe
Ernst & Young / Parent of Childhood Cancer


The Summit is open to the public and will begin promptly at 9:00 am. For directions to the North Orientation Theatre, please click here.

We hope you will join the Caucus for this exceptional event.  For more information please contact Ziky Ababiya (Rep. Van Hollen's office) at (202) 225-5341 or ziky.ababiya@mail.house.gov or Thomas Rice (Rep. McCaul's office) at (202) 225-2401 or thomas.rice@mail.house.gov


Chris Van Hollen                 Michael McCaul 
Member of Congress          Member of Congress