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  1. I urge President-elect Trump to reconsider hiring Steve Bannon. Hate has no place in our government or our country.

  2. Today I introduced my bill that would protect National Guard members against unfair bonus repayments:

  3. To all our veterans, and their families, here in Ventura County and across the nation – we celebrate you and we thank you.

  4. On Election Day, you have a say in determining the future of our country. Make sure your voice is heard

  5. Proud to join 123 House Dems working to protect Pell Grant funding that nearly 8 mil low-income students rely on.

  6. Latinas are paid 54 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Latino men. We must close this

  7. We must end gun violence plaguing our communities. Met w/ local advocates of to discuss solutions & sensible gun laws.

  8. From mentoring high schoolers to serving the homeless, thanks students for their hard work in our community!

  9. We stand w/ LGBT youth & against bullying. Let's create a better future by promoting values of diversity & inclusion in our youth.

  10. Early detection is key to combating breast cancer.This join me in the fight by sharing:

  11. Nice to meet such a great group of students . It is more important than ever to engage our youth in the democratic process.

  12. Access to healthy, sustainable, affordable food is critical 4 Ventura County families. Proud to receive 100% on ’s 2016 Scorecard!

  13. In honor of the 241st Birthday of the , I want to share some interesting facts .

  14. Our democracy works only when people are engaged. Let's follow the example of these awesome middle-schoolers in VC

  15. As a mother, I made sure my daughter had every chance to live up to her fullest potential. I want that for all our daughters .

  16. It takes courage to come out. Wherever you are on your journey, know that I and millions of others across our nation support you.

  17. Proud to receive a 100% on the for my work on LGBT equality! You can count on my continued support for equal rights!

  18. I long fought to expand IVF coverage for vets, law allowing to provide is a big step forward.

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