Julia BrownleyVerified account


U.S. Representative from California's 26th District.

Joined March 2013

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  1. To all our veterans, and their families, here in Ventura County and across the nation – we celebrate you and we thank you.

  2. Proud to join 123 House Dems working to protect Pell Grant funding that nearly 8 mil low-income students rely on.

  3. Latinas are paid 54 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Latino men. We must close this

  4. We must end gun violence plaguing our communities. Met w/ local advocates of to discuss solutions & sensible gun laws.

  5. We stand w/ LGBT youth & against bullying. Let's create a better future by promoting values of diversity & inclusion in our youth.

  6. Nice to meet such a great group of students . It is more important than ever to engage our youth in the democratic process.

  7. In honor of the 241st Birthday of the , I want to share some interesting facts .

  8. As a mother, I made sure my daughter had every chance to live up to her fullest potential. I want that for all our daughters .

  9. “All across the country, there are veterans who are underserved. Congress needs to pass my bill to address this moral imperative.”

  10. It was such a pleasure to meet and to talk about how we can do more to prevent and reduce the mistreatment of animals.

  11. Today is National and it’s time to make sure everyone you know is registered to vote!

  12. Congratulations to the newly sworn-in Judge Michele M. Castillo, the first Latina on the Ventura Superior Court!

  13. Like ? Have a great app idea? Or know a high school student that does? Join App Challenge.

  14. On we pause to remember & honor our servicemembers who have not returned home.We must leave no one behind

  15. On Hispanic Heritage Month, we honor the contributions of Latinos/Latinas that have made us a stronger nation!

  16. Today, we remember and honor the victims and the heroes who protect and serve our nation every day.

  17. Joined Biden to call on GOP to RT if you agree we need action on

  18. From equal pay to equal access to healthcare, reminds us of all the work we have yet to do.

  19. Happy to the general aviation community in Ventura County!

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