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  1. And I would never abort a baby but if someone feels the need to that should be their choice 😊😊

  2. I stand in with Planned Parenthood against extremism, hateful rhetoric &violence

  3. Anybody else start their period today and think... I couldn't be more with her if I tried?

  4. immigrants make our country great, I , my trans partner + all queer ppl deserve safety, ❤️

  5. Don't mention ' stamina again. No ONE at her age could travel and campaign like she has.

  6. As a doctor, I believe a woman’s health decisions are between her and her doctor→

    Supporting Healthy Women and Healthy Families
    As a doctor, I strongly believe that a woman’s health decisions should be between her and her doctor. We should be working together to ensure healthy women and healthy families.
  7. Remember to Vote this Tuesday.

  8. Left to and any , Planned Parenthood would be defunded and Roe v. Wade would be repealed.

  9. Tonight gen action painted the wall! and don't forget to vote on November 8th!!

  10. because women should be allowed to make decisions about their own health

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