NAACPVerified account


Founded 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest and largest grassroots–based civil rights organization. Over 2,000 volunteer-run branches nationwide.

Baltimore, MD
Joined June 2009
Born on 12 February

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  1. Want to do something right now? Call both of your Senators TODAY and tell them to as Attorney General:

  2. Our children deserve a leader that believes in public education.

  3. . . Our AG needs to champion civil rights, and that's not him. Ask the Alabama NAACP:

  4. Eleanor Roosevelt said "this is no ordinary time." She was a member then. You should be now.

  5. New Orleans To Pay $13.3 Million Over Police Killings After Hurricane Katrina (Via )

  6. The NAACP proudly works w/ to place solar power panels across the MidAtlantic. Congrats on the 100th install!

  7. in 1956 the Montgomery Bus Boycott ended successfully after 381 days when 40,000 organized against segregation.

  8. The question of the future is how best to keep millions from brooding over the wrongs of the past & difficulties of the present. -WEBDub

  9. Thank you. The next several years will be a test of the character of the and the nation.

  10. . will receive the NAACP Jackie Robinson Sports Award on Feb 11 at . Congrats, Lebron! Well-deserved!

  11. Diverse Perspectives = Better Understanding. Why we need

  12. We really need the when our choice is not conservatism or liberalism but democracy or authoritarianism. Einstein joined, u can 2.

  13. Rappers and are tied with four nominations each! Tune in to TV One to see the on Feb. 11.

  14. "This is not one state, one state legislature, one election or partisanship. This is literally the corrupting of our democracy."

  15. Hyper-partisans are stealing democracy from the people in . This is unconscionable. -

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