Rep. Keith EllisonVerified account


Member of Congress from Minnesota's Fifth District. Co-Chair, . Host of We The Podcast. Subscribe here:

Minneapolis — Washington, D.C.
Joined March 2008
Born on August 04

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    Have a question or show idea for We The Podcast? Email us at, or call (612) 354-3670.

  2. Voters Find Long Lines and a Range of Irritants, but No Outright Disruption, via

  3. Voter Turnout Tuesday was the Lowest It's Been Since 2000 We MUST address low voter turnout.

  4. I think it's because we don't prioritize turn out enough. I am ready to roll my sleeves up. Will you join?

  5. Sec. Clinton says stand ready to work w/ Trump. Agreed. He will signal whether he's ready to cooperate soon enough. No pre-emptive obstruct

  6. Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke on Trump's victory: "one of the most exciting nights of my life"

  7. True, and it hurts, but we have no choice except to move forward on our progressive values.

  8. Defies everything we teach our kids are being decent, respectful, humble and fair, but we lift ourselves up and press on.

  9. Don't mourn, organize. And keep organizing. And don't stop.

  10. Bridge Families Voting!

  11. Checking in with my guy before hitting the streets!

  12. Beautiful Day in Minnesota to DO democracy.

  13. Women are flocking to Susan B Anthony's NY State gravesite, leaving their "I Voted" stickers on headstone, in honor of historic election

  14. What do those crazy-long poll lines really mean?

  15. Election Day!!!

  16. Nov 5, 1872, Susan Anthony votes; illegal for women. She's arrested, found guilty. 50 years later, 19th Amendment passes; 96 years later...

  17. Bae❤️️and his dad. Two of my favorite people. 💯👏🏽🙌🏽!

  18. ., Jeremiah Bey and Dad working on civic engagement together. Family Values!

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