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  1. Use these #'s 2 today, then join the movement 2 + ensure full protections are in place 4 all future elections

  2. This is the first in 50 yrs without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act. Your vote can change that.

  3. At Sandra Bland's Alma Mater, students are waiting hours to vote for their Voices to Be Heard.

  4. All of us deserve an equal right to vote, but right now it's not very equal. Sign to .

  5. From coast to coast, voters are moving democracy forward

  6. Millions of Americans are experiencing targeted efforts to keep them from the polls. >>

  7. It seems crazy, but voter suppression is still at play in 2016. Sign our petition to >

  8. This is the real fraud - and it isn't an accident. We need Congress to - which means we ALL need to VOTE!

  9. is the 1st presidential election in 50 years without the VRA's full protections. Call with issues.

  10. Without a strong VRA, some individuals and officials don't consider the negative impact laws could have on minority voters.

  11. Counties previously covered by Section 5 of the VRA have closed down at least 868 polling places.

  12. These efforts to disenfranchise people of color are immoral and unconstitutional. We need to

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