SenDanSullivanVerified account


Official twitter account for U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan. Proudly serving the state of Alaska.

Joined November 2014

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  1. For 241 years, has proven itself to be one of the greatest fighting forces the world has ever known. Semper Fi.

  2. I want 2 reinforce unifying words of calling on "America to bind wounds of division, & come together as one united people."

  3. Congrats to . Alaskans have a strong, united congressional delegation that will fight for Alaska's interests.

  4. Congratulations 2 my new&returning Senate colleagues on their hard-fought victories. Voters chose to keep working for the people.

  5. We'll work on energy independence, economic growth, a strong military, & rolling back Obama executive orders & overregulation of our economy

  6. I look forward to working closely with our new president and his administration on issues critical to and America.

  7. They clearly heard and gave voice to the concerns of millions of our citizens who feel the American dream is slipping away.

  8. I want to congratulate President-elect and Vice President-elect Mike Pence on their historic victory last night.

  9. has lost a great leader with the passing of whaling captain and former North Slope Mayor Edward Itta.

  10. Had the privilege of meeting the team at Snow White Linen Supply, a staple small business in the Anchorage community since 1926!

  11. Honored to train with world-renowned APU ski team, though I must admit I was only able to handle one interval before calling it a day.

  12. I appreciate Chief of Staff General Goldfein coming to to see our nation's hub of combat airpower.

  13. Congratulations to the 5 fantastic finalists for our Frontier in Focus fall photo contest. Check them out & vote at

  14. Will continue making case to my colleagues, as I’m sure their constituents are too: championing broken system is unsustainable.

  15. I joined colleagues in passing repeal to give the people relief from what fmr Pres. Clinton called a "crazy system."

  16. Rest of nation isn't faring well either. Obama Admin announced unconscionable 25% average hike in premiums in 2017.

  17. Each of the last 2 yrs, Alaskans endured 40% health insurance rate increases. In 2017 will be 1 of 5 states w/ 1 insurer.

  18. . & I signed copies of our Senate resolution commemorating 's 50th Anniversary. Congratulations, AFN!

  19. I have the great privilege of addressing on 's 50th anniversary. Tune in today at 1:30pm (AKST):

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