In Case You Missed It...





Obama's Dry Hole
June 30, 2008

Link to Story Here

"I want you to think about this," Barack Obama said in Las Vegas last week. "The oil companies have already been given 68 million acres of federal land, both onshore and offshore, to drill. They're allowed to drill it, and yet they haven't touched it – 68 million acres that have the potential to nearly double America's total oil production."


Wow, how come the oil companies didn't think of that?


Perhaps because the notion is obviously false – at least to anyone who knows how oil and gas exploration actually works. Predictably, however, Mr. Obama's claim is also the mantra of Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, John Kerry, Nick Rahall and others writing Congressional energy policy. As a public service, here's a remedial education.


Democrats are in a vise this summer, pinned on one side by voter anger over $4 gas and on the other by their ideological opposition to carbon-based energy – so, as always, the political first resort is to blame Big Oil. The allegation is that oil companies are "stockpiling" leases on federal lands to drive up gas prices. At least liberals are finally acknowledging the significance of supply and demand.


To deflect the GOP effort to relax the offshore-drilling ban – and thus boost supply while demand will remain strong – Democrats also say that most of the current leases are "nonproducing." The idea comes from a "special report" prepared by the Democratic staff of the House Resources Committee, chaired by Mr. Rahall. "If we extrapolate from today's production rates on federal lands and waters," the authors write, the oil companies could "nearly double total U.S. oil production" (their emphasis).


In other words, these whiz kids assume that every acre of every lease holds the same amount of oil and gas. Yet the existence of a lease does not guarantee that the geology holds recoverable resources. Brian Kennedy of the Institute for Energy Research quips that, using the same extrapolation, the 9.4 billion acres of the currently nonproducing moon should yield 654 million barrels of oil per day.


Nonetheless, the House still went through with a gesture called the "use it or lose it" bill, which passed on Thursday 223-195. It would be pointless even if it had a chance of becoming law. Oil companies acquire leases in the expectation that some of them contain sufficient oil and gas to cover the total costs. Yet it takes years to move through federal permitting, exploration and development. The U.S. Minerals Management Service notes that only one of three wells results in a discovery of oil that can be recovered economically. In deeper water, it's one of five. All this involves huge risks, capital investment – and time.


If anything, the Democrats ought to be dancing in the streets about "idle" leases. It means fewer rigs. The days of hit-or-miss wildcatting have been relegated to the past by new, more efficient technologies, such as seismic imaging, directional drilling (wells that are "steered" underground) and multilateral drilling (multiple underground offshoots from a single wellbore).


At the same time, finding new reservoirs has become far more complex. Except for a few very large fields discovered decades ago like Prudhoe Bay, most recent discoveries have been smaller, deeper and less concentrated. The U.S. needs a continuous supply of discoveries to replace declining wells.


Yet companies are not allowed to explore where the biggest prospects for oil and gas may exist – especially on the Outer Continental Shelf. Seven of the top 20 U.S. oil fields are now located in analogous deepwater areas (greater than 1,000 feet) in the Gulf of Mexico. In 2006, Chevron discovered what is likely to be the largest American oil find since Prudhoe, drilled in 7,000 feet of water and more than 20,000 feet under the sea floor. The Wilcox formation may have an upper end of 15 billion barrels of recoverable oil and should begin producing by 2014 – perhaps ushering in a new ultradeepwater frontier.


Likewise, in April, the U.S. Geological Survey revised its estimate for the Bakken Shale, underneath the badlands of North Dakota and Montana. The new assessment – as much as 4.3 billion barrels of oil – is a 25-fold increase over what the Survey believed in 1995. Such breakthroughs confirm that very large reserves exist, if only Congress would let business get at them.


All of which has Democrats sweating bullets. The leadership is desperate to avoid debating a Department of Interior spending bill, because they know Republicans will offer amendments lifting the drilling moratorium that may peel off some Democrats. Last week, Chairman David Obey shut down the Appropriations Committee rather than countenance more domestic energy production. Given Democratic energy illiteracy, this is a fight the GOP can win if it keeps up the pressure.


On June 2, 2008, Senate Democrats brought forward global warming cap-and-trade legislation before the United States Senate that, if passed, would drastically increase energy costs at the gas pump, in the grocery store, and in our homes – all for no environmental gain. The purpose of this webpage is to serve as an online resource center for anyone looking to learn more about the severe economic impacts of the Lieberman-Warner bill. This page will be updated frequently with the latest news and additional links will be added leading up to Senate floor consideration of the bill.   *If you feel we are missing important information, please feel free to contact us and we will consider adding links to the page. Contact:  Inhofe’s Statement on Climate Tax Bill’s Demise "This bill was doomed from the start," Senator Inhofe said. "When the Majority Leader filled the amendment tree and filed cloture on the Climate Tax Bill, it was obvious that the Democrats were not serious about supporting this bill. This was one of the largest bills ever considered by this Congress and probably the largest non-appropriations bill the Senate has ever considered. This bill deserved a full and honest debate, with amendments offered and voted upon. The American people did not deserve a political exercise geared toward election year politics."  New Inhofe White Paper, Web Page, Details Harmful Impacts of Lieberman-Warner Bill (5/15/08) Link to PDF Version of White Paper
HTML Version of White Paper
 WATCH NOW: Latest Clips of Senator Inhofe on TV, Radio and the Senate Floor  Click Here for Floor Charts Used in Debate Click Here for Videos from the Debate Click Here for State by State Economic Impacts Click Here for New Regulations and Mandates Created by Bill  Economic Analyses:  EPA: Analysis of Lieberman-Warner EIA: Analysis of Lieberman-Warner Reveals Massive Economic Pain  EIA: New Analysis: Carbon Mandate Would Harm Consumers, Jobs And Economy(11/15/07)
CBO Report Exposes Lieberman-Warner Bill’s $1.2 Trillion Tax Increase (4/10/08)
New CBO Study Further Exposes Cap-and-Trade Flaws (2/14/08)
NAM and ACCF Study: 1.8 Million Jobs May Be Lost By 2020, New Study Says (3/13/08)
Heritage Foundation: The Economic Costs of the Lieberman-Warner Climate Change Legislation (5/12/08)
NERA and NPRA Report:
Impacts of Potential Climate Change Policies on the Refining and Petrochemical Sectors (5/20/08)  The George C. Marshall Institute: Cap & Trade Realities for CO2 Emissions (06/01/08) Wood Mackenzie Analysis:  Natural Gas Supply Effects of Senate Climate Bill Doane Advisory Study: Lieberman-Warner would Impose Massive Tax Increases on Agriculture Natural Gas Council: Lieberman-Warner will Drive up Demand for Natural Gas  Latest Talking Points  Lieberman Warner Impacts on Gas Prices The independent analysis by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) predicts gasoline prices will increase between 60% and 144% by 2030.  Largest Tax Increase in History The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says the Climate Tax bill would effectively raise taxes on Americans by over a trillion dollars just over the next 10 years.     Latest News on Lieberman-Warner  Denver Post: Climate is right for another swindle - 'A gargantuan boondoggle' – June 2, 2008 How does Washington plan to resolve our energy problems and control atmospheric temperatures? Well, how do they fix anything? By proposing a gargantuan boondoggle.   Media Research Center: Hurricane Lieberman-Warner – June 3, 2008 Remember the Hillary Clinton health-care plan of 1993? It’s deja-vu time. The media will sell this bill as an important solution that absolutely everyone who considers himself a responsible citizen will support. Virtually absent from the discussion will be the cost, both financial and in the loss of freedom.   Heritage Blog: - June 4, 2008 The left is getting absolutely destroyed in the debate on the Senate floor over global warming. Roll Call reports that Democratic staffers are complaining that leadership “is walking us off a cliff” on the issue. Far left activists report they are hearing similar things from their allies in Congress.   Check out the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Bureaucracy Chart of Climate Tax Bill with Detailed Regulations and Mandates  Click Here for more headlines:  Lieberman-Warner News Round Up (June 4, 2008) Lieberman-Warner News Round Up (June 3, 2008) Lieberman-Warner News Round Up (June 2, 2008) Lieberman-Warner News Round Up (June 1, 2008) Lieberman-Warner News Round Up (May 30, 2008) Lieberman-Warner News Round Up (May 29, 2008) Lieberman-Warner Debate Nears (May 22, 2008)
Lieberman-Warner Debate Just Two Weeks Away (May 16, 2008)    Blogs and Press Releases for the Lieberman-Warner Bill   Climate Tax Bill 'Doomed From The Start,' Inhofe Says This bill was doomed from the start,” Senator Inhofe said. “The committee process was short-circuited, the floor debate was circumvented and the amendment process was derailed. I do not see how the Democrats use this failed bill as any kind of model for future success. As I suspected, reality hit the U.S. Senate when the economic facts of this bill were exposed. When faced with the inconvenient truth of the bill’s impact on skyrocketing gas prices, very few Senators were willing to even debate this bill.  Inhofe Amendments to Climate Tax Bill "My four amendments would have addressed critical energy needs in America," Senator Inhofe said. "I offered a diesel fuel and a highway amendment in addition to two nuclear amendments dealing with nuclear waste policy."  Inhofe Decries Sen. Reid’s Decision to Fill the Amendment Tree and File Cloture on the Climate Tax Bill  I am disturbed that the Majority Leader has filled the amendment tree and filed cloture on the Climate Tax Bill,” Senator Inhofe said. “This is the largest bill we will consider this Congress and probably the largest non-appropriations bill the Senate has ever considered. This bill deserves a full and honest debate, with amendments offered and voted upon.  Inhofe Statement on the Reading of Climate Bill While the reading of the entire Boxer Climate Tax Bill is the result of the Democrats’ handling of judicial nominations, it is important to note that the version of the Boxer Substitute that Majority Leader Reid introduced was a new version not seen by the minority until this morning, contrary to Senator Boxer’s assertions," Senator Inhofe said. "This new version, the fourth version in the last two weeks, underscores the not-ready-for-prime-time aspect of this legislation.  Inhofe Statement on Climate Floor Debate The current impasse over judicial nominations has no bearing on our willingness to debate the Boxer Climate Tax Bill.  I look forward to the Senate returning to the Climate Tax Bill after the judiciary issue is resolved so that we can begin the amendment process and discuss the devastating impacts this bill would have on American families and jobs if this bill were to become law  Inhofe Says Congress Should Work To Lower Gas Prices, Not Raise Them:  U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, today joined Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate Republican Leader, Senator Lamar Alexander, Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference (R-TN), and Senator Kit Bond (R-MO) to discuss how the America's Climate Security Act – S.2191 (Climate Tax Bill), now amended to S. 3036 (Boxer Substitute), would raise gas prices.  Senator DeMint's Blog: Lieberman-Warner Unlikely to Reduce Global Temperatures, Cap & Trade Scheme INCREASING Emissions in Europe: Following up on yesterday's release on how Lieberman-Warner will destroy jobs and hike gasoline prices, please see this post from Senator DeMint's blog . Supporters of the $7 Trillion Lieberman-Warner Climate Tax (S. 2191 / S.3036) assure us the bill is necessary to combat global warming, even though the bill would kill 3-4 million American jobs and double gasoline & home energy prices.    Oklahoma Farm Bureau: Farmers Concerned about Climate Change Bill: Oklahoma agricultural producers are concerned proposed climate change legislation now being debated in the U.S. Senate could increase their cost of production. “We believe this legislation unfairly penalizes farmers by forcing them to comply with climate change regulations and makes it more difficult for them to compete in the global market,” said Mike Spradling, president of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau.  Boxer Cliams Recession is Best Time to Raise Energy Costs: Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), the chairman of the Environment & Public Works Committee, declared in her opening floor speech today that a “recession is the precise time to" enact the Lieberman-Warner global warming cap-and-trade bill because it “brings us hope.” The Lieberman-Warner global warming bill would have many consequences, but “hope” is not among them. The Cleveland Plain Dealer editorialized on June 1, that the bill "will just bore new holes into an already battered economy."   Statements on Lieberman-Warner  June 3, 2008 Statements Senator Cornyn's Statement Senator Voinovich's Statement Senator Specter's Statement Senator Grassley's Statement Senator Enzi's Statement Senator Corker's Statement Senator Craig's Statement  June 2, 2008 Statements Statement of Senator Inhofe   Statement of Senator Bond Statement of Senator Sessons Statement of Administration Policy: S. 3036 – Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act Senator McConnell Speaks Out    Climate Tax Impacts on Oklahoma  Climate Tax Will Harm Oklahoma The High Cost of Lieberman-Warner on Oklahoma Families Oklahoma Farm Bureau Inhofe Says Congress Should Work To Lower Gas Prices, Not Raise Them New Study Shows Lieberman-Warner Would Impose Massive Tax Increases on Oklahoma’s Agricultural Community   Several “Major Hurdles” Remain For Lieberman-Warner:   Grist: Probably no U.S. CO2 emissions cuts from new Lieberman-Warner bill until after 2025 (05/28/08) PowerLineBlog: Looming Disaster ‘The most extensive government reorganization of the American economy since the 1930s.’ (05/28/08) Overwhelming Majority of Americans Oppose Lieberman-Warner Global Warming Proposal, New Poll Suggests  (05/28/08)
Republican Senator: ‘This bill is not ready for prime time’ (05/28/08) Inside EPA: Revised Climate Bill Seeks To Sway Wavering Senators, But Hurdles Remain  (05/28/08) Hawaii Reporter: Lieberman-Warner ‘Pitfalls’  (05/28/08) Wall Street Journal blog:  Economy, Stupid: High Energy Prices Sock U.S. Climate Bill (05/27/08) National Journal: Lieberman, Warner To Push Nuclear Energy In Carbon Bill  (05/21/08) EPW: Lieberman-Warner bill = Largest Pork Bill in U.S. History  (05/20/08) Greenwire: New Lieberman-Warner plan shows $5.6T payoff to overhaul U.S. economy (05/20/08) The Hill: Warner-Lieberman bill could raise gas prices (05/19/08) National Review Online: Verdict: Failure  (05/19/08) BNA: Inhofe Warns of Skyrocketing Energy Costs, Economic Impacts of Lieberman-Warner Bill (5/16/08) Björn Lomborg: Global warming - Money for Nothing (05/13/08) CQ: Nuclear Power Still a Sticking Point for Senate’s Climate Change Bill (5/13/08) CQ: Nuclear Power Still a Sticking Point for Senate’s Climate Change Bill (5/13/08) Grist: Lieberman-Warner moved from critical condition to the morgue (5/8/08) Greenwire: Sponsors lower expectations for Lieberman-Warner bill (05/08/08)  Grist: Lieberman-Warner: bad idea (05/07/08) Greenwire: Senate emissions bill targets 'simply unattainable' -- U.S. chamber chief (05/02/2008) Greenwire: Recession joins list of hurdles for Lieberman-Warner bill (04/30/2008) Energy Daily: Sources: Bush Speech Hurts Chances For Senate Climate Bill (4/18/08) Press Release: Inhofe Praises President Bush for Rejecting Lieberman-Warner Bill (4/16/08) Wall Street Journal Editorial:  'A Glorious Mess' (4/12/08)  Inhofe Blog: Democrats Face ‘Ferocious Infighting’ Over Global Warming Legislation (4/11/08)
CQ: EPA Cost Analysis Fuels Debate Over Global Warming Bill (03/14/08) Inhofe Blog: Boxer Waves White Flag on Lieberman-Warner Climate Bill (3/12/08) DeSmogBlog: The Lieberman-Warner Conundrum (2/20/08) Greenwire: Greenspan sees carbon cap-and-trade spurring economic troubles (02/15/2008)
Greenwire: Sierra Club chief questions emissions bill compromises (02/15/2008)
Greenwire: CBO calls carbon tax 'most efficient' option to address warming (02/14/2008)
Duke CEO slams 'bastardized' Senate global warming plan (02/14/2008)
Greenwire: Senate sponsors search for nuclear solutions (02/08/2008)
Energy Daily: EEI Analysis Predicts Economic Shock From Senate Climate Bill (2/06/08)

Greenwire: Lieberman-Warner: The 60 Vote Climb
 (02/06/08) Greenwire: Enviro groups search for one voice in Lieberman-Warner debate (02/06/2008) Greenwire: Boxer questions group's 'Fix It or Ditch It' campaign (01/31/2008) Greenwire: Boxer starts private talks in hunt for 60 votes (01/30/2008)
CQ: A Green Business Divide Over Warming Plan (1/28/08)
Greenwire: Global warming bill's chances in an election year 'verge on impossible' -- Dingell (01/18/2008) CQ:  Backers Think Time Is Right for Climate Change Bill, But Big Hurdles Remain (1/14/08)
Greenwire: Dems face election-year test with global warming bill (01/15/2008)
Press Release: Nuclear Not Included in Cap-and-Trade Bill (12/5/07)
Fact Check:   EPW Fact of the Day: Analyses Show Lieberman-Warner Depends on Significant Nuclear Energy Increases (5/12/08) EPW Fact of the Day: Analysis Cited By Boxer Includes Huge Nuclear Energy Gains, Despite Her Staunch Opposition To Nuclear Energy (11/19/07)
Press Release:
Lieberman-Warner Climate Bill Fails Senate Test (8/2/07)
Press Release:
Committee Mark-Up Exposes Serious Flaws in Lieberman-Warner Bill (12/5/07)
Press Release:
Nuclear Not Included in Cap-and-Trade Bill (12/5/07)
Blog Post:
Democrats Oppose Amendment To Ensure An Adequate Supply Of Natural Gas (12/5/07)
Blog Post:
Democrats Vote Against Amendment To Protect Poor From Rising Energy Costs (12/5/07)
Blog Post:
Democrats Vote Against American Automotive Manufacturing Jobs(12/5/07)
Press Release:
Inhofe Slams New Cap-And-Trade Bill As All ‘Economic Pain For No Climate Gain' (10/18/07)
Blog Post:
Lieberman-Warner will lead to ‘higher energy prices, lost jobs and reduced GDP' (11/7/07)
Blog Post: Climate Bills Will 'Require a Wholesale Transformation of the Nation's Economy and Society' (11/06/07) Blog Post:
Climate Bill Will Cost ‘Hundreds of Billions of Dollars' - Lieberman Concedes (11/1/07)
Blog Post:
Democrats’ Inconvenient Gas Price Problem
Blog Post: A Northeastern Liberal’s Inconvenient Emissions Problem
Blog Post: Lieberman-Warner Climate Bill 'Running into Resistance'
Blog Post: Lieberman-Warner Global Warming Bill Losing Momentum   Impact: Lieberman-Warner Hurts Families, Jobs, and Economy National Economy
Poorest Bear the Biggest Costs of Lieberman-Warner
 Expert Testimony Before EPW Committee  Testimony of Dr. Margo Thorning, (11/08/07) Senior Vice President and Chief Economist American Council for Capital Formation  Testimony of Anne E. Smith, (11/08/07) Vice President CRA International  Testimony of Kevin Book, (11/15/07) Senior Vice President, Energy Policy, Oil & Alternative Energy, FBR Capital Markets Corporation Testiomy of Paul Cicio, (10/24/07) President, Industrial Energy Consumers Of America Inhofe Praises Energy Committee for Holding Hearing on Economic Impacts of Climate Bill Senate Energy Committee Hearing: Full Committee Oversight Hearing: To receive testimony on Energy and Related Economic Effects of Global Climate Change Legislation (SD-366), Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 10:00 AM - The purpose of this hearing is to receive testimony on Energy and Related Economic Effects of Global Climate Change Legislation. Testimony: Mr. Brent Yacobucci, Congressional Research Service Dr. Larry Parker, Congressional Research Service
Dr. Howard Gruenspecht - Deputy Administrator, Energy Information Administration

Dr. Brian McLean, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Dr. Peter Orszag, Congressional Budget Office
   Breaking Down Lieberman Warner: What is a Cap-and-Trade System?
Kyoto: A Bad Precedent for Carbon Cap-and-Trade
SO2 Caps Differ Greatly from CO2

Economic Stability Necessary for New Technology
Certainty Problem
International Action NOT Addressed
Energy Security Threatened
  Senate Environment and Public Works Hearings on Lieberman-Warner  Full Committee hearing   (11/15/07)
Full Committee hearing  (11/13/08)
Full Committee hearing  (11/8/07)
Subcommittee on Private Sector and Consumer Solutions to Global Warming and Wildlife Protection Hearing  (10/24/07)
  Op-Eds By Senator Inhofe on the Lieberman-Warner Bill:   Inhofe: "We Don't Need a Climate Tax on the Poor" - Wall Street Journal, June 3, 2008 Inhofe: America Must Reject Global Warming ‘De-Stimulus’ Bill (Washington Times, April 22, 2008)
Climate Bill Will Devastate American Families and Jobs (Human Events)
Look Closer at Global Warming "Solutions" (Roll Call)

 In Case You Missed It...

The Oklahoman Editorial

Drill bits: Distortions keep U.S. energy on shelf

June 27, 2008

Click Here to Read Editorial

SEN. Barbara Boxer is one of Washington's most skilled close-in fighters, a tough scrapper unsurpassed in her zeal for bare-knuckled political brawl. Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Tulsa, knows this better than most, having served opposite Boxer on the Senate's environment committee for years.

As that panel's chairwoman, Boxer has led the push for global warming legislation as well as attacks on efforts to boost American sources of oil.

She was fighting again this week, saying U.S. oil companies that favor new exploration in Alaska and off America's coasts already sit on 68 million acres of federal oil leases
suggesting big oil is trying to leverage new leases and greater profits. "I say they should use it or lose it," said Boxer, D-Calif.People who know oil know that Boxer and others don't know what they're talking about or worse, that they're distorting facts to win a debate.

Writing for The Wall Street Journal, Red Cavaney of the American Petroleum Institute recently explained that offshore leases, especially, are a crapshoot. Until exploration occurs, a company can't know whether a lease will produce, Cavaney wrote. Many don't.If there isn't enough oil to justify drilling costs, a company will move to more promising leases. "

All during this active exploration and evaluation phase, however, the lease is listed as ‘nonproducing.' ... Because a lease is not producing, critics cite it as ‘idle' when, in reality, it is typically being actively explored and developed."

Boxer probably knows better, but Washington is accustomed to debates that blur facts to win an argument. This one's too important for grandstanding.

As Cavaney noted, Congress has kept American energy sources locked up too long. If these sources had been developed years ago, "America would not be in the energy bind it finds itself in today," he wrote. True that.

Sampling of articles in past week:

Politico – Dems' ‘stumble’ - Energy proposals stymied – June 26, 2008

Speaker Nancy Pelosi hoped to send House Democrats home for the Fourth of July recess with a series of votes that would show they’re serious about easing the pain at the pump. [ . . . ] But nothing has gone according to plan. The price-gouging bill failed to garner the two-thirds support necessary to pass. An accounting issue forced leaders to put off for a day the so-called “use it or lose it” measure. And the legislation to curb speculation is now caught up in a member fight over the proper path forward — a fight that exposes the misgivings some Democrats have about this activist agenda. […] The Democrats’ stumbles come as congressional Republicans continue to push aggressively for more domestic oil and gas production on the Outer Continental Shelf and in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as well as for an ambitious plan to turn coal shale beneath the High Plains into natural gas. Hollywood Once Hailed Offshore Drilling – June 23, 2008
Excerpt: By 1953 Hollywood (no less!) was already hailing the pioneering wildcatters who moved major mountains – technological, logistical, psychological, cultural – to tap and reap this source that today provides a quarter of America's domestic petroleum, without causing a single major oil spill in the process. This record stands despite dozens of hurricanes – including the two most destructive in North American history, Camille and Katrina – repeatedly battering the drilling and production structures, along with the 20,000 miles of pipeline that transport the oil shoreward. This is the most extensive offshore pipeline network in the world. In the 1953 movie “Thunder Bay,” Jimmy Stewart plays the complicated protagonist, Steve Martin, the hard-bitten, ex-navy oil engineer who built the first offshore oil platform off Louisiana in 1947. "The brawling, mauling story of the biggest bonanza of them all!" says the Universal ad for the studio's first wide-screen movie.
The ranking Republican on the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Jim Inhofe tells Newsmax correspondent Ashley Martella that Democrats will not allow drilling in petroleum-rich areas of the outer continental shelf or anywhere in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He says people fed up with prohibitive gasoline prices need to pressure them.
NASA scientist James Hansen has created worldwide media frenzy with his call for trials against those who dissent against man-made global warming fears.

[ See: UK Register: Veteran climate scientist says 'lock up the oil men' – June 23, 2008 & UK Guardian: NASA scientist calls for putting oil firm chiefs on trial for 'high crimes against humanity' for spreading doubt about man-made global warming – June 23, 2008 ]

Sampling of Key Information about NASA’s James Hansen(for full articles, see below):

1) The oil money's paltry contribution pales in comparison to the well funded alarmist industry. (LINK)

2) Earth has COOLED since Hansen’s Dire Climate Warning in 1988 (LINK)

3) Hansen’s Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis challenged by UN Scientist (LINK)

Posted By Marc Morano – 2:07 PM ET – Marc_Morano@EPW.Senate.Gov


Part Two: Don’t Panic Over Predictions of Climate Doom- Get the Facts on James Hansen

‘High Crimes Against Humanity’ Trial for Climate Skeptics?


Click Here to Read Part One:

NASA scientist James Hansen has created worldwide media frenzy with his call for trials against those who dissent against man-made global warming fears.

[ See: UK Register: Veteran climate scientist says 'lock up the oil men' – June 23, 2008 & UK Guardian: NASA scientist calls for putting oil firm chiefs on trial for 'high crimes against humanity' for spreading doubt about man-made global warming – June 23, 2008 ]


Click Here to Read Part One of report:


Meteorologist Brian Sussman: James Hansen: ‘Abusing the Public Trust’ – Links to Soros Funding?  – June 24, 2008

Excerpt: Hansen has allegedly received hundreds of thousands of additional dollars to further politicize the issue of global warming. According to Investors Business Daily, "How many people, for instance, know that James Hansen, a man billed as a lonely ‘NASA whistleblower' standing up to the mighty U.S. government, was really funded by [George] Soros' Open Society Institute (OSI), which gave him ‘legal and media advice'? That's right, Hansen was packaged for the media by Soros' flagship ‘philanthropy' by as much as $720,000, most likely under the OSI's ‘politicization of science' program." Hansen denied any relationship with OSI, but Investor's Business Daily refused to back off on their story, "claiming the funding first passed through the Government Accountability Project, which then used it to package Hansen for the media." With that kind of cash allegedly lining his pockets, do you think that Hansen will ever allow the data that he is charged with maintaining to point to anything but disaster? […] As a NASA Director, his role should be collecting data and truthfully sharing results, not trying to influence policy and legislation. Congressman Darryl Issa (R-San Diego) called Hansen on his continual talking out of turn. During a hearing on Capitol Hill regarding his abuse of his government status, Issa said, "You're speaking on federal paid time. Your employer happens to be the American taxpayer." Issa went on to say that an internet search showed Hansen had had stated on more than 1,400 occasions in over a year's worth of interviews and appearances (15 interviews alone in the month that the congressional hearings were taking place) that the Bush Administration had censored him.  

INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY: Hansen - A Desperate Man – June 24, 2008

Excerpt: Hansen: Crushing dissent. Out of this has emerged a madness that has divided Westerners into "us," the believers, and "them," the skeptics who are looked down upon as socially irresponsible reprobates. That's not enough for Hansen, though. He now wants to ratchet his machine up a few notches. Put the oil men on trial, he says, because it's "a crime" for them to "have been putting out misinformation" that places doubt on his unproved — and unprovable — premise that man's use of fossil fuels is warming Earth. We wonder: Will it be up to NASA's secret police to make the arrests that will be necessary to drag these men before the tribunal? Al Gore, the most famous face of the global warming-industrial complex, has been saying for years that the debate is over, that science has declared humans are responsible for climate change. He, of course, is wrong. There are skeptics in the scientific community, literally thousands of them. Many are on the leash, however, afraid to speak out for fear of being bullied, denied research grants and ostracized for expressing politically incorrect doubt. For them, the debate is indeed over. Those who refuse to be browbeaten, though, are in danger of seeing their careers ruined or, perhaps someday, sharing a prison cell with the oil executives Hansen wants to try. Criminalize dissent: That's one way to ensure the debate is over. Hansen's comment is revealing. It's the sort of declaration made by a desperate man trying to hang on to his declining relevance. Hansen knows the climate of fear he has stoked is receding as more people start to see through his nonsense. He's just trying to stir up some storm clouds. 

Wash Times editorial: James Hansen for Congress – June 24, 2008

Excerpt: Mr. Hansen sounds like a member of Congress, or perhaps Al Gore - which, indeed, points to two of the legitimate options a vocal, caustic public advocate such as Mr. Hansen has in a representative democracy. High technocrat for global warming is not one of them. The question is: Would Mr. Hansen's blatant political advocacy be tolerated anywhere else in the federal government? Could a decorated general advocate an invasion of Iran or North Korea, calling his congressional opponents weak or traitorous, without violating his office? Of course not. The NASA climate-science chief should stop trading on the public trust of an unappointed federal scientific position and try running for one of the offices that possess the legitimate powers he seeks to usurp. Short of that, he could convince George Soros to fund a think tank. In some respects, we tilt at windmills to even make the suggestion, since certainly there is no political will to sack Mr. Hansen for violating the public trust. Mr. Hansen makes more media appearances than the average cabinet secretary. He knows how to get attention. Certainly no one should expect Mr. Hansen to act upon the merits of this argument on his own. A scientific institution such as the Goddard Institute for Space Studies is perhaps the ideal place for an ambitious empire-builder to push the limits of political advocacy while retaining the credibility of science. Housed in New York City's Columbia University and affiliated with its well-funded, well-connected Earth Institute, Mr. Hansen's operation is far removed from Washington's political tentacles at Goddard's main campus in Beltsville, Md. The United States is still a representative democracy. The sort of high-priest technocrat that Mr. Hansen presumes to be stands outside that tradition. An advocate is an advocate.


Hansen concedes defining surface air temperature is not easy – May 6, 2008:

Excerpt: "I doubt that there is a general agreement how to answer this question [of what is surface air temperature]. Even at the same location, the temperature near the ground may be very different from the temperature 5 ft above the ground and different again from 10 ft or 50 ft above the ground. Particularly in the presence of vegetation (say in a rain forest), the temperature above the vegetation may be very different from the temperature below the top of the vegetation. A reasonable suggestion might be to use the average temperature of the first 50 ft of air either above ground or above the top of the vegetation. To measure SAT we have to agree on what it is and, as far as I know, no such standard has been suggested or generally adopted. Even if the 50 ft standard were adopted, I cannot imagine that a weather station would build a 50 ft stack of thermometers to be able to find the true SAT at its location." He is also ambiguous when it comes to daily mean surface air temperatures: "Again, there is no universally accepted correct answer. Should we note the temperature every 6 hours and report the mean, should we do it every 2 hours, hourly, have a machine record it every second, or simply take the average of the highest and lowest temperature of the day ? On some days the various methods may lead to drastically different results." (LINK)


Energy Tribune: Nature may soon cool climate debate as 'fairly cold period' set to begin – June 18, 2008

Excerpt: Measurements by four major temperature tracking outlets reported that world temperatures dropped by about 0.65° C to 0.75° C during 2007, the fastest temperature changes ever recorded (either up or down). The cooling approached the total of all warming that occurred over the past 100 years, which is commonly estimated at about 1° C. Antarctic sea ice expanded by about 1 million square kilometers – more than the 28-year average since altimeter satellite monitoring began. But have these collective announcements ended the global warming debates? No, stay tuned for further developments. […] Based upon current solar data, the Russian Pulkovo Observatory concludes that Earth has passed its latest warming cycle, and predicts that a fairly cold period will set in by 2012. Temperatures may drop much lower by 2041, and remain very cold for 50 to 60 years. Kenneth Tapping at Canada’s National Research Council thinks we may be in for an even longer cold spell. He predicts that the sun’s unusually quiet current 11-year cycle might signal the beginning of a new “Maunder Minimum” cold period, which occurs every couple of centuries and can last a century or more.  


Flashback: National Post: Global Cooling! 'Spotless Sun' prompts scientists to fear 'dramatic turn for the worse' – May 31, 2008


Flashback: Science Daily: Scientists not sure why Sun 'continues to be dead' – June 9, 2008


Flashback: Cooling Underway: Global Temperature Continues to Drop in May 2008 - 'Significantly Colder' - 16-month temperature drop of -0.774°C!


Flashback: 'Global Warming Will Stop,' New Peer-Reviewed Study Says - Global Warming Takes a Break for Nearly 20 Years? – April 30, 2008

Excerpt: The UK Telegraph reports on April 30:  Global warming will stop until at least 2015 because of natural variations in the climate, scientists have said.


June 22, 2008: Global Cooling Predicted to Continue – By Lord Christopher Monckton, the Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, a climate researcher

Excerpt: This projection of a prolonged solar cooling, to commence at the end of Solar Cycle 24 in about a decade and lasting for perhaps the remainder of this century, is consistent with Usoskin et al. (2003); Hathaway et al. (2004); Solanki et al. (2005); the proceedings of the 2004 Symposium of the International Astronomical Union; and the consensus of opinion among solar physicists (though we should be cautious about relying upon any "consensus" now that science has become so intensely politicized). The Sun's activity is now declining from the Grand Maximum of the past 70 years, that peaked in the early 1960s. During the Grand Maximum (which you won't hear much about in the media, but which has had a great deal of attention from solar physicists in the peer-reviewed literature), the Sun was more active, and for longer, than at almost any previous similar period in at least the past 11,400 years. It is only by some dubious prestidigitation that the UN manages to relegate the role of the Sun to a minuscule bit-part in recent warming.


Update: June 15, 2008: More Signs of the Sun Slowing Down - 'We continue to slide into a deeper than normal solar minima, one not seen in decades' By Meteorologist Anthony Watts:

Excerpt: It appears we continue to slide into a deeper than normal solar minima, one not seen in decades. Given the signs, I think we are about to embark upon a grand experiment, over which we have no control [...] I had noted that there was a curios step function in 2005, almost as if something had “switched off” [...] As you can see, the Ap Index has continued along at the low level (slightly above zero) that was established during the drop in October 2005. As of June 2008, we now have 32 months of the Ap hovering around a value just slightly above zero, with occasional blips of noise. [...] What is most striking is that since 1932, there have not been ANY years prior to 2007 that have zero data.


Meteorologist says Man-Made Global Warming Movement ‘Rapidly Running Out of Gas’ In last year (By Meteorologist James Spann) - June 17, 2008

Excerpt: A year and a half ago, James Spann questioned the money and the so-called scientific consensus pushing the idea that mankind is causing global warming. Today, he says it’s losing steam. Two imminent surveys of meteorologists may further complicate the climate debate. […]  “[Y]ou know, there was some great power in that movement back in January of 2007,” Spann said. “It’s pretty rapidly running out of gas and it just seems like every day more and more people are coming out with the fact that that’s pretty much a hoax. And these are Ph.D climatologists that are pretty much saying what I said all along.”


Sea Level Falling? – By Meteorologist Joe D’Aleo of IceCap.US

Icecap note: Note that sea levels are not accelerating up but appear to be falling in part due to ocean cooling and compression and perhaps part due to record extent of Antarctic ice.  Certainly there is no signs of an alarming increase threatening coastal areas as Gore and Hansen have prophesized.

See Latest Sea Level Chart here:


More and more scientists declare dissent – March 2008

Excerpt: Since the release of the December 20 Senate minority report detailing the hundreds of skeptics, a steady stream of scientists from around the world have continued to declare themselves dissenters of the alleged “climate crisis.” Just days before the international climate conference began, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology, Dr. Joanne Simpson, declared she was “skeptical” of catastrophic man-made warming. “Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly,” Simpson, formerly of NASA who has authored more than 190 studies, wrote in a public letter on February 27. Simpson was described by former Colorado State Climatologist Roger Pielke, Sr. as “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.” (LINK) “The main basis of the claim that man’s release of greenhouse gases is the cause of the warming is based almost entirely upon climate models. We all know the frailty of models concerning the air-surface system. We only need to watch the weather forecasts,” Simpson explained. “But as a scientist I remain skeptical,” she added.

 Another Scientist Dissents: Dr. Fred W. Decker, Professor of Meteorology at Oregon State University, signed the 2008 Oregon Petition dissenting from man-made climate fears. "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth,” the petition that Decker signed states. Decker also challenged temperature data. “One day the Gazette-Times told of a minimum temperature about 15 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas the radio station at the Marys River bridge into Avery Park reported much colder, a ‘minus’ reading, which agreed with home thermometers of some readers. Inquiring about locations, I learned the ‘official’ minimum came from the shelter atop the steam-heated agricultural building on campus. Moreover, the professor moved the instruments to the greenhouses to the west in the summers when he worked there. What poor practice!” Decker wrote on June 22, 2008. “I appealed to the agricultural dean upon learning of the imminent retirement of the professor responsible. I suggested a site near the KOAC towers if possible. The compromise site at Hyslop got selected, and Wheeler Calhoun’s data got quoted daily in the Gazette-Times,” Decker wrote.  (LINK) & (LINK) & (LINK 

Sampling of key inconvenient developments for promoters of a man-made climate “crisis” so far in 2008:

1) Oceans Cooling! Scientists puzzled by “mystery of global warming's missing heat” (LINK)  

2) New Data from NASA’s Aqua satellite is showing “greatly reduced future warming projected as a consequence of carbon dioxide.” (LINK  

3) Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer, formerly of NASA, found not one peer-reviewed paper has 'ruled out a natural cause for most of our recent warmth' (LINK)  

4) UN IPCC in 'Panic Mode' as Earth Fails to Warm, Scientist says (LINK  

5) UN IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachauri “to look into the apparent temperature plateau so far this century.” (LINK)   

6) New scientific analysis shows Sun “could account for as much as 69% of the increase in Earth's average temperature” (LINK) & (LINK 

7)  Scientists find dust free atmosphere may be responsible for up to .36 F rise in global temps (LINK)  

8) Analysis in peer-reviewed journal finds cold periods – not warm periods – see increase in floods, droughts, storms, famine (LINK)

9) New York Times Laments Media's incorrect hyping of frogs and global warming (LINK)

10) Prominent hurricane expert reconsiders global warming's impact (LINK)

11) MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen’s March 2008 presentation of data from the Hadley Centre of the UK Met Office found the Earth has had “no statistically significant warming since 1995.”- (LINK)

12) An International team of scientists released a March 2008 report to counter UN IPCC, declaring: “Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate” (LINK)   

13) Emitting MORE CO2 may 'be good for life on Earth', says climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer, formerly of NASA in May 2008. (LINK)

14) New Report finds global sea ice GROWING: ‘World sea ice in April 2008 reached levels that were ‘unprecedented’ for the month of April in over 25 years.’ (LINK)

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Canadian Climatologist Dr. Timothy Ball: CO2 from human or natural sources is not causing global warming – June 23, 2008

Excerpt: There is no scientific justification for any of the energy or economic policies designed to reduce greenhouse gases or stop warming or climate change. CO2 from human or natural sources is not causing global warming or climate change. The IPCC and their computer models, an agency and approach set up to mislead the world, are the sole source of this belief. […] Global warming provided the perfect vehicle for environmentalists to spread their claim of human destruction of the planet. Previously they could only point at local or regional problems, but now they had a genuine “the sky is falling” cause that encompassed the entire globe. Now the demand was for global policies and Strong provided this at the Rio Conference in 1992 in the formation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC). This agency was to create the Kyoto Protocol that became the battleground. Interestingly, it encompassed what is wrong with the entire argument that CO2 is the problem. Only the industrialized countries Strong sought to “get rid of” were required to reduce CO2 emissions. Developing nations were excluded and were to receive the payments as penance from the sinful industrialized nations. It was the transfer of capitalist wealth the socialist Strong foresaw. Futility of the exercise was that if all nations participated and met their original targets no measurable difference in atmospheric CO2 would occur; yet that was the purported objective. 



Click Here to Read Part One: Don’t Panic Over Predictions of Climate Doom- Get the Facts on James Hansen

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Repeal of Section 526:

Saturday June 21, 2008

Repeal of Section 526:

Senator Inhofe authored legislation to repeal Section 526 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which prohibits federal agencies from contracting to procure nonconventional, or alternative, fuels that emit higher levels of greenhouse gas emissions than conventional petroleum sources. Senator Inhofe worked to include language in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 recognizing that unconventional fuels such as oil shale and tar sands developed in the U.S. and Canada are strategically important and necessary to develop to reduce the growing dependence of the U.S. on foreign oil. Despite the potential enormity of the provision's consequences, no public hearings, discourse, or examination occurred before its inclusion. The scope of fuels that could be prohibited is left wide open to interpretation, including fuels such as Canadian oil sands, E85 ethanol, and coal- and natural gas-to-liquids fuels, which have powered B-52H bomber aircraft at Tinker Air Force Base. Senator Inhofe is particularly concerned that Section 526 could limit the diversity and supply of fuel for our nation's Air Force and other military branches. Our military could be forced to obtain a greater percentage of fuel from unstable regions of the world, endangering our ability to quickly and economically obtain much-needed fuel to conduct operations vital to the defense of our nation. At a time when our troops are involved in two large-scale foreign conflicts, our military must have the flexibility to secure and develop alternative sources of fuel.

Reconsider the Ethanol Mandate

Saturday June 21, 2008

Reconsider the Ethanol Mandate:

Senator Inhofe urged the President and Congress to take swift and meaningful action to help mitigate the damaging impact of our nation's irresponsible biofuels mandate. Several Senators on both sides of the aisle have now spoken out on the need to find ways to address this problem. The five-fold increase in the biofuels mandates was yet another failure of last year's Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Congress must have the courage to address this issue and address it now.