Money behind the Science

Tuesday February 24, 2004

An editorial written by the New York Times on February 23, 2004 takes to task President Bush supporter’s response to charges from the Union of Concerned Scientists -- a group of leftist scientists claiming the Bush Administration distorts science. The Times writes,

“President Bush's supporters promptly denounced the statement and the report as an overdrawn and politically motivated work issued in an election year by an advocacy group known for its liberal disposition.”

At least the New Your Times recognizes the liberal agenda advocated by the Union of Concerned Scientists. It would behoove them though to dig a little deeper and let their readers know just how politically tied this organization is to the Democratic Party and one Presidential candidate in particular.

Fact: Teresa Heinz-Kerry is the chairman of the board of the Howard Heinz Endowment, which donated over $4,000,000 to the Tides Foundation. So when the Union of Concerned Scientists receives significant donations from the Tides Foundation and later comes out bashing the President, responsible citizens should be left questioning the political motives and the validity of scientific data of such an organization -- shouldn’t they?