Villain of the Month Club

Tuesday March 2, 2004

What do the Catholic Charities of Cleveland, the Adirondack Council, Senator Jim Inhofe, and EPA Administrator Michael Leavitt have in common? They have all been named to the exclusive “Villain of the Month” club!

Fact: Every month Clean Air Trust names their “Villain of the Month.” This person or group has failed to adhere to the strict liberal agenda of the Clean Air Trust. When the Catholic Charities of Cleveland testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works committee and failed to tow the extremist line the way the Clean Air Trust required, they announced the group as “Villain of the Month” in June 2002. Even likeminded liberal environmental group are subject to ridicule. When The Adirondack Council supported President Bush’s Clear Skies Bill, thus supporting the environment and letting go of political partisanship, the Clean Air Trust made an example of the group by adding them to the club in April 2002. It is clear that the new EPA administrator can wear becoming a member of this exclusive club as a badge of honor.