Senate Democrats

Tag Republicans

Update: Reid Remarks On Republican Efforts To Shut Down The Government

“Republicans obsessed with defunding health care reform are pushing us closer and closer to a government shutdown that would tank the economy.” “A government shutdown would… cost the economy more than $30 billion for every week the government remained shuttered.”  “By a three-to-one margin Americans already oppose the Republican plan to hold the government hostage…


Reid Remarks On Ending Gridlock In Washington

“The President deserves to have his or her team in place.”  “It is a disturbing trend when Republicans are willing to block executive branch nominees even when they have no objection to the qualifications of the nominee. Instead, they are blocking qualified nominees to circumvent the legislative process, force wholesale changes to laws or restructure…


Reid Floor Remarks On Arbitrary Sequester Spending Cuts Set To Take Effect This Week

“Families and businesses in every state in the nation – in red states and blue states – are at risk because of these haphazard cuts.” “Nationwide, sequester cuts will cost more than 750,000 jobs… But Congress has the power to prevent these self-inflicted wounds.” “Unfortunately, Republicans would rather let devastating cuts go into effect than…


Reid Floor Remarks On The Reauthorization Of The Violence Against Women Act

“Despite the overwhelming evidence that [the Violence Against Women Act] saves lives and protects women, House Republicans used every procedural trick in the book to block its reauthorization last Congress.” “Allowing partisan delays to put women’s lives at risk is simply shameful.” “Full reauthorization of the law is necessary to ensure authorities have all the…


Reid Statement On House Vote To Decouple Debt Ceiling From Spending Cuts

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement today following a House vote to pass a clean debt ceiling extension: “I am pleased that Speaker Boehner and his House colleagues have decided to change course, and pass a bill that defuses yet another fight over the debt ceiling. “This bill surrenders the hostage Republicans…


Reid Floor Remarks: Democrats Will Continue Putting Middle Class Families First In The 113th Congress

“It is possible to hold fast to your principles while making the compromises necessary to move our country forward.” “Democrats will hold fast to the guiding principle that a strong middle class – and an opportunity for every American to enter that middle class – is the key to this nation’s success.” “But not a…


Statement By Reid Spokesman

Washington, D.C. — The office of Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement today from spokesman Adam Jentleson: “It is reassuring to see Republicans beginning to back off their threat to hold our economy hostage. If the House can pass a clean debt ceiling increase to avoid default and allow the United States to meet…


Senate Leaders Urge President Obama To Consider “Any Lawful Steps” To Avoid Default

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leaders sent a letter to President Obama today urging him to consider taking unilateral action to protect America’s economy in the face of continued intransigence and obstruction from Republicans. “In the event that Republicans make good on their threat by failing to act, or by moving unilaterally to pass a…


Statement By Reid Spokesman

Washington, D.C. – In response to a statement from House Republican leaders, Adam Jentleson, spokesman for Nevada Senator Harry Reid, released the following statement: “House Republicans pushed middle class families closer to the cliff by wasting an entire week with their incompetent ‘Plan B’ stunt. It is time for House Republicans to put middle class…


Reid Statement On The Status Of Budget Negotiations

“Any comprehensive solution to the looming fiscal cliff will need to be a bipartisan solution.” “It’s time for the Speaker and all Republicans to return to the negotiating table. It’s time for Republicans to work with us to find the middle ground.” “In the meantime, the Speaker should bring the middle-class tax cut passed by…
