
International Law

Principle X of the Helsinki Final Act Decalogue commits the participating States to fulfill “in good faith their obligations under international law.”  This core principle reflects the recognition that the willingness of countries to uphold legal commitments they have made to each other is a necessary component for predictability and stability in international relations. The Helsinki Commission has primarily focused on international law related to human rights, international humanitarian law (war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide) and military security obligations undertaken within the framework of the OSCE.

Clear Filters

Human Rights, Military Security in Crimea under the Microscope at Upcoming Helsinki Commission Briefing

Human Rights Violations in Russian-Occupied Crimea

Our Impact by Country

The Russian Government Violates Its Security, Economic, Human Rights Commitments and Agreements

Smith Calls for Action on Worst Refugee Crisis in Europe since WWII

I Was Locked Up and Tortured by Putin’s Spooks

The Helsinki Process: A Four Decade Overview

Helsinki Commission Chair, Co-Chair Welcome Savchenko Release; Urge Russia To Comply With Minsk Agreements

Russian Rule-of-Law Abuses to Be Examined at Upcoming Helsinki Commission Hearing

Bipartisan Legislation to Bring Back Convicted Criminals Abroad Passes Subcommittee

Fox Business: Sen. Wicker on Turkey

Statement by Commissioner Representative Mike McIntyre at the OSCE PA Fall Meeting

OSCE Holds Conference in Astana on Tolerance and Non-Discrimination

U.S. Lawmaker Urges Action on Russian Lawyer's Death

Helsinki Commission Applauds U.S. Human Rights Reports

15th Anniversary of the Bytyqi Brother Murders in Serbia

Senate Floor Statement on Ukraine

OSCE 2010 Informal Ministerial: Kazakhstan Persistence Earns a Summit in Astana

Labor Trafficking In Troubled Economic Times: Protecting American Jobs And Migrant Human Rights

Justice In The International Extradition System, The Case Of George Wright And Beyond

The Escalation of Violence Against Roma In Europe
