


The Helsinki Commission organizes both public and staff briefings with expert witnesses on OSCE-related issues ranging from human rights and fundamental freedoms to terrorism and corruption.

Clear Filters

Anti-Semitism, Racism and Discrimination in the OSCE Region

Age of Delirium

Listening to Victims of Child Sex Trafficking

Russia’s Upcoming Elections and the Struggle for Public and Competitive Politics

Dispatches From Moscow: Luke Harding’s Chilling Tale of KGB Harassment

Georgia 2008, Ukraine 2014: Is Moldova Next?

Our Impact by Country

The State-Sanctioned Marginalization of Christians in Western Europe

Conflicts in the Caucasus: Prospects for Resolutions

The New Silk Road Strategy: Implications for Economic Development in Central Asia

Spotlight on Bosnia – Obstacles to Progress and Recommendations for the International Response

Beyond Corporate Raiding: A Discussion of Advanced Fraud Schemes in the Russian Market

Internet Freedom in the Age of Dictators and Terrorists

Best Practices for Rescuing Trafficking Victims

The Dog Barks, but the Caravan Moves On: Highs and Lows in U.S.-Russia Relations

Ukraine's Pivotal Parliamentary Poll

Disappeared in Turkmenistan’s Prisons: Are They Still Alive?

Human Rights Violations in Russian-Occupied Crimea

The Gang: 15 Years On and Still Silent

Documentary Screening and Briefing on Roma School Desegregation

Prospects for Unfreezing Moldova’s Frozen Conflict in Transnistria

Online Safety Under Repressive Regimes: What is the Responsibility of Technology Companies?

Troubled Partner: Growing Authoritarianism in Azerbaijan

Local Elections and Political Instability in Albania

Mongolia Moves Toward Europe

NATO’s Warsaw Summit and the Future of European Security

Roundtable Discussion: Minorities in France

U.S.-Russian Cooperation in the Fight Against Alcoholism: A Glass Half Full?

Another Brick in the Wall: What Do Dissidents Need Now From the Internet?

Legal Hooliganism – Is the Yukos Show Trial Finally Over?

Minority Political Participation in the Obama Era

Europeans of African Descent ‘Black Europeans’: Race, Rights and Politics

Human Rights Play on Magnitsky Murder

Assessing Ukraine’s Parliamentary Elections

Moldova at a Crossroads

Moldova: The Growing Pains of Democracy
