

Thailand has been an OSCE Asian Partner for Co-operation since 2000.  Thailand is the only ASEAN member in the OSCE partnership framework and as such, works to act as a bridge between the OSCE and the ASEAN’s security mechanism, the ASEAN Regional Forum.

Clear Filters

Chairman Smith and Rep. McGovern Introduce “Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act”

Global Threats, European Security and Parliamentary Cooperation

Clearing the Air, Feeding the Fuel Tank: Understanding the Link Between Energy and Environmental Security

Our Impact by Country

Crossing Boarders, Keeping Connected: Women, Migration and Development in the OSCE Region

Parliamentary Diplomacy

U.S. Delegation to OSCE PA Drives International Action against Human Trafficking, Discrimination, and Anti-Semitism

Freedom of the Media in the OSCE Region Part 2

Importance of Good Governance to Comprehensive Security

U.S. Statements at the 1999 OSCE Review Conference

The Helsinki Process: A Four Decade Overview