Senate Democrats

Tag deficit

Reid Floor Remarks On Sequester

“Instead of replacing the pain of the sequester with something smarter and more reasonable, [the Republican] plan would embrace these devastating cuts.” “Republicans should give Congress true flexibility – flexibility to cut wasteful subsidies, flexibility to close unnecessary tax loopholes and flexibility to ask the richest of the rich to contribute a little more.” “As…


Reid Floor Remarks On Bipartisan Deficit Reduction

“I am glad Republicans set aside their plan to gamble with default. It was bad politics and even worse policy.” “A clean debt ceiling increase that allows the United States to meet its existing obligations should be the standard.” “Congress will continue to work to reduce the deficit. But we’ll do it without the threat…


Reid Remarks To Convene The 113th Congress

“As we advance the debate over the best way to strengthen our economy and reduce our deficit during the 113th Congress, Democrats will continue to stand strong for the principle of balance.” “No major legislation can pass the Senate without the votes of both Democrats and Republicans. During the 113th Congress, the Speaker should strive…


Reid: Nation Is One Vote Away From Avoiding The Fiscal Cliff For Middle Class Families

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid spoke on the Senate floor today regarding a House vote on the Senate-passed middle class tax cut, cyber security legislation and the Republican filibuster of Judge Robert Bacharach, a circuit judge nominee with bipartisan support. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: I was pleased to hear…


Schumer Statement On Speaker Boehner’s Threat To Wage Another Showdown Over Debt Ceiling

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) released the following statement Tuesday in response to House Speaker John Boehner warning that he plans to force another showdown on the debt ceiling this year, even as House Republicans are violating the spending levels spelled out under last summer’s bipartisan deficit reduction deal: “It is pretty galling…


Passing Bipartisan Export-Import Bank Would Create Hundreds Of Thousands Of Jobs, Reduce The Deficit

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the Export-Import Bank. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: This week the Senate resumes debate of a measure to improve innovators’ access to capital. This bill passed the House on a bipartisan vote, and has President Obama’s…


We Should Cut Our Deficit With A Balanced Approach, Not Give More Tax Breaks To Millionaires

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the deficit. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: Republicans in Congress claim they’re the only thing standing against a wave of deficit spending. But where were those Republicans when President Bush pushed for trillions in unpaid-for tax…


Reid Statement On Joint Select Committee

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement today. “The American people are tired of their elected leaders listening to the extreme voices in their party instead of the voices of reason. I am disappointed that Republicans never found the courage to ignore Tea Party extremists and millionaire lobbyists like Grover Norquist,…


A Polite Reminder for Speaker Boehner

FYI — At a news conference today, Speaker Boehner sought to claim that Democrats had failed to offer a deficit reduction proposal: “There’s been exactly one proposal on the table, in the committee, and that came from the six Republican members,’ Boehner said, dismissing Murray’s counter offer as merely one from members’ ‘individual’ discussions. ‘It…


Reid: Shared Sacrifice Is The Best Path To Fiscal Sustainability

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid made the following remarks today on the Senate floor about the fatal plane crash in Reno and President Obama’s deficit reduction plan. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: I was saddened to hear of a terrible accident on Friday at the Reno air show, which killed…
