Senate Democrats

July 2011
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Day July 28, 2011

Senate Floor Wrap Up for Thursday, July 28, 2011

Passed H.R.2608, the Small Business Program Extension and Reform Act of 2011 w/ Landrieu substitute amendment


no roll call votes today

There will be no roll call votes during today’s session of the Senate.


recess subject to the call of the Chair

The Senate stands in recess subject to the call of the Chair.  When the Senate reconvenes, another message will be posted.  The unofficial transcript of Senator Reid’s remarks is below. 19:42:42 NSP} (MR. REID) { NOT AN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT } MR. REID: MR. PRESIDENT, WE’RE AWAITING ACTION ON THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ON THEIR BILL. FOR…


roll call vote still expected this evening

Despite the delay in the House, the Senate still plans on conducting a roll call vote in relation to the Boehner plan during today’s session.  Timing of this vote is uncertain but as stated, it is the Leader’s intention to have the vote tonight.


roll call vote expected this evening

Senator Reid announced the Senate will vote in relation to Speaker Boehner’s bill this evening.  The House is expected to vote between 6pm and 7pm.  It will take some time for the message to be received in the Senate.  Our best guess is that the Senate will conduct this roll call vote between 7pm and…


Reid: Esta Noche El Senado Derrotará Plan A Corto Plazo De La Cámara

Washington, D.C.- El Líder de la Mayoría del Senado Harry Reid hizo las siguientes declaraciones : Hoy la Cámara de Representantes votará sobre en el plan a corto plazo del Presidente de la Cámara Boehner para elevar el techo de la deuda. Una vez vote la Cámara, el Senado tomará este proyecto de ley, y…


Video: Expertos en Finanzas Concuerdan que Plan a Corto-Plazo de Boehner Podría Causar Rebaja en Calificación Crediticia, Devastación Económica

David Beers de S&P: “Nos preocuparía si el debate en torno al techo de la deuda vuelve a resurgir y tuviéramos que pasar por todo este proceso una y otra vez” Vea el Video Aquí: WASHINGTON, DC – Los Demócratas del Senado dieron a conocer hoy un nuevo video con un mensaje claro: los mercados  peligrarían si el…


Reid: Senate Will Vote Down House Short-Term Bill Tonight

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid made the following statement: “Today the House of Representatives will vote on Speaker Boehner’s short-term plan to raise the debt ceiling. As soon as the House completes its vote, the Senate will move to take up that bill, and it will be defeated tonight. No Democrat will vote…


In New Video, Market Experts Agree: Boehner’s Short-Term Debt Patch Could Lead To Credit Downgrade And Economic Devastation

S&P’s David Beers: “We would be concerned if we thought that the debt ceiling debate would come back and be opened and we’d have to go through all this again and again and again.” VIEW THE VIDEO CLIP HERE:   WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Democrats today released a new video that makes it clear: the…


Reid: Republicans’ Refusal To Compromise Taking Toll On Economy

Time for Republicans to End Stalemate, Embrace Senate Plan Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid made the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding a default crisis. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: Five days remain until a few extremist Republicans drive our economy off a cliff because they are too…
