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What others are saying:

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), an organization dedicated to limited government, free markets and federalism, and based on nonpartisan research by the ALEC Task Force on Health and Human Services, recognizes Congressman Young and the National Electronic Interstate Compact Enterprise system’s work…We believe this effort will both streamline the administrative process and reduce the amount of time it takes for children in foster care to be placed in the loving homes of extended family, or adoptive parents who reside across state lines. -Lisa Nelson, CEO of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

“Once fully operationalized, NEICE will be a valuable tool for addressing societal challenges that put children at risk, including the opiate and heroin epidemic, illegal re-homing of children, and sex trafficking. Thank you again for introducing the Modernizing the Interstate Placement of Children in Foster Care Act, and for your steadfast leadership to improve the lives of children waiting for safe, permanent families. We strongly support your efforts to modernize the interstate placement of children through this legislation, and intend to work vigorously for its passage.” -The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA)

“When a child cannot be safely returned home, our goal is to find an alternative safe and loving home for the child, even if this means placing children across state lines. NEICE is an innovative program that will positively impact the lives of children in care.” – Judge Mary Beth Bonaventura, State of Indiana, Department of Child Services
“Too often in our advocacy for children, we have a placement in another state ready to accept the child and we must wait for “paperwork.”   This bill underscores how all of us in the child welfare system should operate:  by what is best for the child.” – Cynthia K. Booth, Executive Director, Child Advocates
“We are proud to support this effort to modernize and expedite the ability of states to place children across state lines and into forever homes.” – Sharon Osborne, Chairwoman of the Board, Children’s Home Society of America
Full list of supporters:
-The American Academy of Adoption Attorneys
-The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA)
-The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) 
-Child Advocates (Indianapolis)
-Indiana Department of Child Services
-Children’s Home Society of America
-Generation’s United
-The Villages of Indiana
-The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA)
-The American Academy of Adoption Attorneys  
-The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA)
-The American Academy of Adoption Attorneys