WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) along with Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Mike Johanns (R-Neb.), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), and Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) introduced a Senate resolution today to express the Senate’s commitment to consider only health care reform plans that will slow down health costs and not increase the national debt.

“Controlling the costs of health care is the number one challenge in Congress as lawmakers wrangle with various proposals to reform health care,” said Senator Bennett. “The state of the economy coupled with the administration’s spending and the ballooning of our national debt is a clear indication that Congress must be fiscally responsible and pass a health care bill that will not increase federal spending.”

"We all agree health care is in need of serious changes, but at some point, the federal government has to learn to live within its means," said Senator Johanns. "Nebraskans have long demanded balanced state budgets and fiscal responsibility. It is time for the federal government to do the same, and find solutions that do not add further to the financial burden we will pass on to future generations."

Senator Wicker added, “Last week, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said, ‘the probability is high that no savings would be realized’ under the current health care proposals. We need to reform our health care system, but in a manner that does not increase our national debt, create higher taxes, or take treatment decisions away from doctors and patients.”

“The United States already spends 17 percent of GDP on health and some in Congress want to spend even more,” said Senator Crapo. “This resolution highlights the importance of fiscal responsibility as we address health care reform. We must promote policies that increase access to quality health care and look for savings rather than spending more on a system that already spends too much.”