Orlando International Airport and the Proposed Intermodal Center

Rep. Mica has long been a proponent of ensuring that Orlando Airports have sufficient capacity to accommodate travel for local residents and tourist to the Central Florida area. To meet this demand, the Congressman has supported the construction of a transportation intermodal facility and expanded passenger Terminal capacity at Orlando International Airport (OIA).
Congressman Mica said of the project:
“Let me say that few infrastructure projects ever undertaken in Central Florida have been more important than the proposed expansion at our major airport. The Intermodal Transportation Center is an absolutely critical link because it will link the current Terminal with another new Terminal to the South and be located between the two to connect fixed Transportation modes like SunRail, planned High speed rail and future fixed transit systems together. That connection is vital to every community and future passengers trying to successfully use public transportation.
“We can avoid costly mistakes like those I have seen in other areas and avoid years of delay in connecting transportation modes by building this Intermodal Center now. Examples like Miami, San Francisco and others whose delays ended up costing Billions and transportation systems that were left unconnected for decades. The proper development and expansion of OIA is essential to our region’s future.”
To provide additional information on the significance, function and financing of the Intermodal Transportation Center, Rep. Mica prepared an explanation of the Project that can be found here.