Congresswoman Julia Brownley

Representing the 26th District of California

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Oct 26, 2016 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) released the following statement on the Pentagon’s decision to temporarily suspend efforts to seek repayment of enlistment bonuses and benefits given to California National Guard members.

Oct 24, 2016 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Julia Brownley (CA-26) released the following statement regarding recent reports that the Department of Defense is seeking repayment of enlistment bonuses from over 9,700 California National Guard servicemembers and veterans:

Sep 30, 2016 Press Release

Washington, D.C. - Today, Representative Julia Brownley (CA-26) announced the enactment of her bill, the Veterans Medical Access Act, which was approved by Congress as part of the Fiscal Year 2017 Continuing Appropriations and Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Zika Response and Preparedness Act (H.R. 5325).  The law was signed yesterday by President Obama.

Sep 29, 2016 Press Release

Washington, D.C. - Today, Representatives Julia Brownley (D-CA) and Chellie Pingree (D-ME) introduced H.R. 6220, a bill that would authorize the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to move forward with 24 healthcare facility leases that are currently backlogged in Congress, including the proposed  47,200 square foot Oxnard Community Clinic.

Sep 28, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Congresswoman Julia Brownley issued the following statement after the House passed the FY2017 Continuing Appropriations and Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Zika Response and Preparedness Act (H.R.

Sep 28, 2016 Press Release

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley announced that the U.S.

Sep 27, 2016 Press Release

VENTURA, CA – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley announced a $1.6 million grant from the National Park Service (NPS) to the City of Ventura for the construction of the newly proposed Kellogg Park. The funding would cover landscaping, construction of the playground, open space, picnic areas, and fitness equipment.

Sep 9, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley announced that the Coast Guard has decided to make their current operating base at Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) permanent. The Coast Guard move to NBVC is due to the previously announced closure of the Air Station Los Angeles facility at Los Angeles International Airport.

In The News

Aug 16, 2016 In The News

A bill that would establish a national memorial to honor the victims of the St. Francis Dam disaster was endorsed Tuesday by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors.

Aug 12, 2016 In The News

Zachary Walker had his doubts about seeing a Department of Veterans Affairs doctor in Sepulveda through a two-way camera and television screen.

The Navy veteran from Ventura wondered how she would check him over or listen to his heart.

Aug 10, 2016 In The News

Military veterans in Ventura County needing specialty medical care are increasingly seeing their providers through a Skype-like app. The Department of Veterans Affairs calls it "telehealth."

Aug 9, 2016 In The News

Rep. Julia Brownley got a firsthand look at the operations of Oxnard's outpatient facility for veterans on Tuesday, greeting patients and speaking with staff about their needs.

Jul 3, 2016 In The News

There seems to be a script. Each incidence of gun violence is followed by outrage, heartbreak, a moment of silence, a muddying of the waters by cable show pundits and then … nothing. Whether motivated by hate, a result of mental illness, driven by extremism, racism, or as a domestic dispute — the why varies but the response remains the same.

Jun 22, 2016 In The News

WASHINGTON — The House passed a measure Tuesday evening aimed at finding and implementing the best ways to prevent suicide by female military veterans. It is now headed to President Barack Obama to be signed into law.

Jun 22, 2016 In The News

WASHINGTON — House Democrats, including at least nine from California, staged an ongoing sit-in in the House Chamber Wednesday to demand that Speaker Paul Ryan permit a vote on gun safety legislation.

Jun 21, 2016 In The News

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs will have to look at whether its suicide prevention programs are meeting female veterans' needs under a California-led bill that passed the House on Tuesday afternoon.

May 20, 2016 In The News

WASHINGTON — An alarm that should have notified a Plains All American Pipeline operator of a rupture had been turned off, delaying the response to a devastating oil spill a year ago at Refugio State Beach, officials with the federal pipeline safety agency said Thursday.

Apr 7, 2016 In The News

With hundreds of students looking on, Buena High School social studies teacher Emmet S. Cullen received a Bronze Star with Valor on Thursday for his heroic actions 10 years ago during the Iraq War, when he was a sergeant in the U.S. Army.


Photo Galleries

Oct 3, 2016 Photo Gallery

Rep. Brownley with Marco Regil, Lisa Lange, and Emily von Klemperer form PETA

Nov 11, 2013 Photo Gallery

Congresswoman Julia Brownley observed Veterans Day by honoring local service members and veterans in Ventura County.

Aug 30, 2013 Photo Gallery

As part of her “Congress at Your Company” visits with employers across Ventura County to discuss jobs and the local economy, Brownley visted and toured Alcoa Fastening Systems in Newbury Park. At Aloca Fastening Systems Brownley toured the facility, met with workers, and learned more about the company’s manufacturing of fasteners for commercial transportation/aerospace industries.
