
Leader's Blog

On National Day of Prayer, We Recommit Ourselves to Religious Liberty

On National Day of Prayer, We Recommit Ourselves to Religious Liberty

Faith is a bedrock of our great country. To have the freedom for our faiths to flourish, government can never infringe upon our most basic freedoms.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Applauds the Appointment of General Dunford as New Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

I can imagine few others better suited to serve as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Leader's Blog

House Legislation Helps Small Business Thrive

House Legislation Helps Small Business Thrive

Long before he came to Washington, Majority Leader McCarthy was a small business owner himself. At the age of 19, he took his savings out of the stock market and some time out of college to open…

Leader's Blog

With Growing Threats Abroad, HASC Provides for a 21st Century Military

With Growing Threats Abroad, HASC Provides for a 21st Century Military

To face the challenges of the 21st century, we need a strong and lean 21st century military. The House Armed Service’s authorization bill offers the force and vision necessary to ensure that…

Leader's Blog

What’s Happening to the Middle Class?

The poll echoes the sentiment Americans are feeling throughout our districts and across the country: the Obama economy is squeezing the middle class and the President’s failed agenda is crushing…
