
Leader's Blog

Developing Resources Responsibly and Effectively

America has been blessed with a wealth of natural resources. If used responsibly and effectively, the resources can be used to grow our economy and create jobs.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy: We Must Take this First Step Toward Destroying ISIL

Preventing the next 9/11 requires us to confront the reality that al-Qaeda, ISIL, and similar radical terrorist groups are spreading, operating out of sanctuaries across the Middle East, North…

Leader's Blog

Improving America’s Energy Infrastructure Will Lower Costs and Create Jobs

However, as we are experiencing an explosion of production growth, we need the infrastructure to get our energy resources from where they are to where they need to be.


AP: House Passes Bills Highlighting IRS Controversy

“Today, the House passed three bills to impose reform on the IRS,” House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said in a statement.

Press Release

Government Reform the American People Need

Today, the House passed three bills to protect Americans from IRS overreach. Altogether, these bills will aid investigations into IRS wrongdoings and protect innocent Americans from IRS targeting.
