
Press Release

McCarthy Statement on the 10th Anniversary of the Assassination of Former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri

Today, Hizballah and its Iranian patrons continue to pose a threat to Lebanon’s sovereignty, just as they continue to pose a threat to Israel, to regional peace and stability, and to United States…

Press Release

Small Businesses Need Certainty

The last thing a small business needs is uncertainty from their government. So today is the day not to debate. Today is the day to invest in America’s small business.

Press Release

House is Fighting for the Incentive to End Hunger

I believe in this country. I believe in mankind. I believe in the goodness in all of us. It’s not about party. It’s about helping one another. We are fighting for the incentive to end hunger…

Press Release

House’s Bipartisan Veteran Suicide Prevention Bill Signed Into Law

I am very pleased that the Clay Hunt SAV Act has been sent to the President’s desk and signed into law. Our nation must do everything it can to help provide veterans access to mental health…

Press Release

McCarthy: No One Wins In Port Shutdown

Leader McCarthy today joined a bipartisan group of lawmakers to call for an end to current labor dispute that is slowing and even shutting down West Coast ports.
