
This morning Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has doubled down on his support of raising taxes by trillions of dollars, while dismissing the idea of reducing spending and our long-term deficit by putting in place much needed reductions. In just two years, Democrats added more than $3 trillion to the national debt, and now their plan is to pass the burden onto taxpayers.

Leader Reid Threatens Tax Hikes To Leverage Republicans On Debt. “Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) included a 3 percent surtax in a draft budget plan he circulated last week. That plan also called for a relatively even split of spending cuts and tax increases to reduce the deficit, according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who described the breakdown as 50-50.” (Alexander Bolton, “Dem Plan For Millionaire Surtax Intended To Soften GOP,” The Hill, 5/18/11)

The Double Down – Sen. Reid: “You Can’t Just Do $2 Trillion In Cuts.” “You can’t do $2 trillion just in cuts,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said in an interview in his Capitol office. “There has to be a mix of spending cuts, including defense. There has to be a more fair apportionment of tax policy in this country.” (Lisa Mascaro, “Reid Rejects Boehner Proposal For $2 Trillion In Spending Cuts,” The Los Angeles Times, 5/20/11)

Trillions in tax increases will be a tough sell for Leader Reid, not only with the American people, but his fellow Senate Democrats.

Senator Ben Nelson “Will Not Sign Onto A Draft That Raises Taxes. We Need To Cut Spending First.” “Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), who is not on the committee but is facing a tough reelection fight, said he told Conrad on the Senate floor Thursday that he will not sign onto a draft that raises taxes. “We need to cut spending first,” Nelson said. (Erik Wasson, “Dems Put Budget On Ice Again,” The Hill, 5/19/11)

Senator Claire McCaskill On Sen. Reid’s Tax Hike Plan: “I Don’t Think It’s Realistic That Would Ever Pass…” “I don’t think it’s realistic that would ever pass; I think we’re trying to find a negotiating point” (Alexander Bolton, “Dem Plan For Millionaire Surtax Intended To Soften GOP,” The Hill, 5/18/11)