This morning, Senator Tom Coburn took the opinion page of the Washington Post to rebuke Senate Leader Harry Reid’s absence of leadership on the most important issues facing our country and Reid’s willingness to allow continued trillion dollar deficits, out of control spending, and proposals for trillions in new taxes.

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK): “If We Continue To Avoid Tough Choices, We Will Lose Our Economic Destiny.” “The lack of leadership and initiative in the Senate is appalling. As of this week, the Senate has held just 72 roll call votes this year, about one per legislative day on mostly noncontroversial and inconsequential matters. By this time last year, we had taken more than twice that number of votes (152). By this time in 2009, we had taken 192 votes. If we continue to avoid tough choices, we will lose control of our economic destiny and go down in history as the Senate that lost America. Our epitaph will read: Never before in the field of legislating was so much ignored by so many for so long.” (Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), Op-Ed, “Why Is The Senate Stalling On The Debt Debate?” The Washington Post, 5/19/11)