
Leader's Blog

Democrats Launch Political Attacks Against Efforts To Save Social Security And Medicare For Future Generations

After racking up trillions of dollars in new debt and failing to propose any serious solutions for the long-term fiscal stability of our country, Democrats have once again punted, launching an attack…

Press Release

Whip McCarthy Calls For National Conversation About Solutions to our Spending & Debt Crisis

Washington, D.C . – Last year, House Republicans, led by Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), carried out a national effort to listen to the voices of the people and produce a new governing agenda…

Leader's Blog

Congressional Democrats In Disarray Over Long-Term Spending Plan

After failing in 2010 to resolve this year’s budget and spending bills, Democrats on both sides of the Capitol are now in complete disarray over who is leading their party in long-term spending…

Leader's Blog

Harry Reid Punts On Saving Social Security…For Another Two Decades

A new poll out today from The Washington Post that shows more than eight in ten Americans concerned about the problems facing Social Security. But you wouldn’t know it by listening to Senate…

Press Release

McCarthy: We’ve Done Our Job – Democrats Need To Step Up

Washington, D.C. – At the GOP Leadership stakeout, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) discussed the Continuing Resolution being considered on the House floor today, and the need to inject…
