
Congress Seeks Clarity from Countries in Iran Deal Negotiations on Ambiguous Text

Congress sent letters to ambassadors from each of the nations involved in nuclear negotiations with Iran to clarify how they interpret ambiguous provisions of this agreement.

Leader's Blog

What’s the Point of Even Having an Arms Embargo?

Under the agreement the embargo against arms would be lifted in five years and against ballistic missiles—the kind that can carry nuclear warhead—in eight years. But it looks like even these…

Press Release

Leader McCarthy and Whip Hoyer Joint Statement on Iron Dome

In these dangerous times, Israel can always be certain that Congress and the American people are by their side.

Leader's Blog

4 More Reasons the Iran Deal is a Bad Deal

America and our allies need something better than this, because an economically strengthened and nuclear Iran is unacceptable.

Leader's Blog

6 Reasons the EPA Power Plant Rule is Bad for America

Because the Obama Administration couldn’t get what it wanted the right way through Congress and with the approval of the American people, it’s now trying to impose its radical regulations by…
