
Leader's Blog

The House is Halfway Through the Appropriations Process

The House is Halfway Through the Appropriations Process

With an open amendment process, Democrats and Republicans in the House have worked together to already pass six of the 12 appropriations bills.

Press Release

Iran Should Release American Prisoners Immediately

As long as Iran imprisons innocent Americans, it is hard to imagine conducting good-faith negotiations over Iran’s nuclear pursuits.

Leader's Blog

Congressional Democrats Need Matt Foley

While Democrats are busy obstructing the appropriations process and destructing bipartisan, pro-growth trade bills, House Republicans are building a responsible governing agenda

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on Trade Promotion Authority

“I am proud that the House took action to expand American economic growth and opportunity. However, I am truly disappointed with House Democrats’ actions for preventing this critical bipartisan…

Press Release

Leader McCarthy: America’s Economy Needs TPA

Trade is the difference between times of prosperity and times of stagnation.
