
Press Release

The House Calls on White House to Put Forth Strategy to Combat Online Radicalization

This bill requires the President to put forth a comprehensive strategy to combat online radicalization and terrorist use of social media.

Leader's Blog

No, Mr. Secretary, Russia Has Not Contributed to Progress in Syria

Secretary of State John Kerry said that “Russia has been a significant contributor to the progress” the world has made on Syria. In one statement, Secretary Kerry ignored reality on the ground…

Leader's Blog

Bipartisan Outcry Against President Obama’s Iran Inaction

In the Administration’s single-minded pursuit of implementing this bad deal, they are now ignoring Iran’s repeated violations of U.N. resolutions.


Leader McCarthy in The Ripon Forum: Regulatory Reform that Restores Government Of, By, and For the People

Fixing the administrative state and reducing the broken regulatory system in America is about much more than economics. It is about holding government accountable.

Leader's Blog

The President Goes to the Pentagon. Will Anything Change?

When the President returns from the Pentagon, will he continue to double down on more of the same, or will he respond to Congress and the American people’s calls for a strong and winning strategy?
