
Leader's Blog

School Choice Week

For students to have the opportunity to succeed, we need an education system that puts faith in students, their families, and their teachers. First and foremost, that means giving parents the choice…

Leader's Blog

The March for Life

The fight for life will win in America not only because it is right, but because it offers people the hope that every life has value, no matter what.

Leader's Blog

Kerry: Iran Sanctions Relief to Fund Terrorists

President Obama and Secretary Kerry have effectively opened up the bank for some of the worst terrorists in the world to pay for a deal that ensures exactly what a deal was originally meant to stop.

Press Release

The Administration’s Actions Fly in the Face of Congressional Intent

The Administration must follow the law as written and as it agreed to, not as it wants it to be. That is the best way to keep America safe.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy on Senate Democrats’ Filibuster of the SAFE Act

Senate Democrats are ignoring the legitimate concerns of the American people by rejecting this reasonable and widely supported bill.”
