
Leader's Blog

Leader McCarthy Honors John Lewis with the Congressional Patriot Award

John fought for our country with nonviolence. He defended our country with peacefulness. And he loved our country profoundly, even in the darkest of days. That is the mark of a true patriot.

Press Release

The House Stands for Sane Energy Policy

While the Administration’s assault on working Americans is consistent, its regulatory prescriptions are a mess of contradictions.

Press Release

Genocide is Happening. We Cannot Look Away

Today, the House stands firmly to proclaim to the world that genocide is happening, that evil is real, and that it must be stopped.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy on the Air: The House is Developing a Complete Agenda

Leader McCarthy spoke with Maria Bartiromo on FOX Business this morning, discussing the House’s focus on policy ideas to overcome the challenges facing America.

Leader's Blog

McCarthy at PPIC Discusses Critical Issues Facing California and the Nation

McCarthy at PPIC Discusses Critical Issues Facing California and the Nation

Leader McCarthy joined PPIC for a wide–ranging discussion about the critical issues facing the state and nation—from water to terrorism to the economy.
