
Leader's Blog

House Democrats Rewrite History On FY2011 Budget

For the last forty-eight days, House Republicans have passed four measures to clean up the mess left behind by the Democrats in the 111th Congress. But now, House Democratic leadership has tried to…

Leader's Blog

Senate’s “De Facto Leader” Chuck Schumer Delivers More Marching Orders To Senate Democrats

While House Republicans have focused on passing legislation to fund our troops and keep government operating, Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Senate’s “de facto leader,” has been delivering talking…

Press Release

McCarthy: President’s Veto Threat is Shameful

Washington, D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) issued the following statement regarding the troop funding bill:

“Our nation owes its liberty to the men and women in our Armed…

Leader's Blog

Senate Democrats Threaten To Shut Down Government

Moments ago, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid threatened to shut down the government rather than consider a bill that would fund our troops for the remainder of the year and keep government…

Leader's Blog

Profiles In Courage: Leader Pelosi Confirms Plan For Medicare…Do Nothing

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi made a stunning admission on a conference call today. Leader Pelosi unveiled her preference for the Democrats’ strategy for Medicare: do absolutely…
