
Leader's Blog

Senate Dems Open To Letting Tax Relief Expire

Just yesterday Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he would not re-open negotiations and will blow off a bicameral/bipartisan conference negotiations on a bill to provide a year of tax relief to…

Leader's Blog

Dem’s Two Month Extension “Cannot Be Implemented Properly”

The non-partisan/policy-neutral National Payroll Report Consortium, Inc. penned a letter today stating that a two month extension could “create substantial, confusion and costs affecting a…

Leader's Blog

McCarthy: Payroll Tax Bill Now on Reid’s Shoulders


“We just took a vote that was bipartisan. Democrats voted for this bill as well,” McCarthy said on Fox News. “It takes things that the president asked for, it takes things that Republicans…

Leader's Blog

WH/Reid’s Shutdown Strategy

The White House is claiming that a bipartisan Conference Report on a measure to fully fund the government through FY ’12 is not yet done. Keep in mind the government runs out of money on December…

Leader's Blog

Leader Reid’s Shutdown Strategy Is Serious

The Washington Post is reporting the Federal Government is taking Leader Reid’s shutdown strategy seriously. This is all part of Senate Democrats’ attempt to force a massive tax increase through…
