
Leader's Blog

The Recovery That Never Quite Comes

Republicans and Democrats in the House have worked together to pass real solutions for America’s continued economic problems. It’s long past time the Senate consider those bills and the President…

Leader's Blog

Don’t Expect Much On

When it comes to the Obama Administration, we’ve all learned to lower our expectations. Lower health insurance premiums? Nope. An economic recovery? Still waiting. Making a that…

Leader's Blog

Keystone Has Been Delayed for Six Years

Keystone Has Been Delayed for Six Years

The Keystone pipeline alone would help lift the burden on America’s strained energy infrastructure while adding 42,100 high-wage manufacturing and construction jobs and generating about $5 billion…

Leader's Blog

McCarthy in USA Today: More must be done to fight ISIL

USA Today | September 19, 2014

A little more than 13 years ago, as nearly 3,000 Americans lay murdered by terrorists on our own soil, the nation confronted a new threat. We wrung our hands at our…

Press Release

American Energy for American Prosperity

The bill the House passed today builds upon our great energy renaissance by allowing for increased production and distribution. It takes power away from unelected bureaucrats and puts power back in…
