
Press Release

House to Vote on California Drought Relief

Though only Mother Nature can dictate the duration of the drought, the situation demands immediate action to address government-created barriers to ensure available water flows throughout our state…

Leader's Blog

Headline: Basic Costs Squeeze Families

In a sadly unsurprising headline today, the Wall Street Journal said that basic costs squeeze families. Under a Democrat president and Democrat majority in the Senate, the prices of all the basics in…

Press Release

Under Democrat Majority, American Families Feel the Squeeze

Under Democrat Majority, American Families Feel the Squeeze

“When you look at the Wall Street Journal the article today, ‘Basic Costs Squeeze Families,’ because of the rise in healthcare costs. And you look at the work that Chairman Camp & Sen. Reid did…

Leader's Blog

Even Democrats Say We Should Have Never Passed Obamacare

Even Democrats Say We Should Have Never Passed Obamacare

Senator Schumer was right. Obamacare was and remains the wrong law at the wrong time. And the problems won’t end until we repeal and replace this failure that is causing so much harm.

Press Release

McCarthy Statement on Administration’s Ozone Regulation

The President himself has acknowledged this regulation could go against the will of the American people when he pulled the plug on a similar proposal in 2011.
