
Leader's Blog

ATF Backs Down From Ammo Ban After Opposition from Congress

ATF Backs Down From Ammo Ban After Opposition from Congress

The House remains firm in its opposition to this overreach, because no Administration has the right to infringe upon the Second Amendment. House Republicans will continue to fight against any further…

Leader's Blog

Republican Congress Fights Human Trafficking

With the new American Congress under Republican control, anti-human trafficking bills that have broad bipartisan support finally have a real opportunity of getting through the Senate, ultimately…

Press Release

After House Pressure, Administration Abandons Plan to Limit Second Amendment Rights

The Obama Administration’s latest attempt to constrain the Second Amendment has succumbed to concerns and opposition from the American people and their elected Representatives in Congress.

Leader's Blog

PHOTOS: 50th Anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery March

Majority Leader McCarthy was joined in Selma by more than 100 members of Congress, marching with a bipartisan group of House and Senate members across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in a sign of…

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Statement on the Retirement of Chairman Candice Miller

I have had the honor of serving right alongside Candice during major policy debates when she was a part of my whip team and now again at the Chairman’s table, and her knowledge and counsel have…
