• Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson, a moderate Democrat who’s facing a tough reelection next year, said he’ll take a look at the latest jobs proposal — a $60 billion package to help rebuild aging infrastructure — but continues to have concerns about the fact that these bills have been funded by raising taxes on the rich. “I have some of the same concerns about the way it’s paid for,” Nelson told POLITICO on Monday night.

  • Sen. Joe Lieberman, a retiring Connecticut independent who caucuses with Democrats, has argued the government can’t keep spending more money at a time Congress is wrestling with the deficit. And he said he had no desire to complicate the task of the congressional supercommittee, which is charged with producing a plan by Thanksgiving to cut at least $1.2 trillion from the deficit. “I have the same concerns as I have before,” Lieberman told POLITICO on Monday night. “These are programs that I normally support, but I think the main event now is the supercommittee and I don’t want to make their job any more difficult.”